雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Yahoo字典
    • 1. the triangle-shaped edge on one end of a kind of tile
    • 2. the space between adjacent buildings for the leading off of rainwater from the eaves

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  2. 滴水板. drainboard uk / ˈdreɪn.bɔːd/ us / ˈdreɪn.bɔːrd/ noun US. the place next to a sink where plates, knives, forks, etc. are left to dry after they have been washed. draining board uk / ˈdreɪ.nɪŋ ˌbɔːd/ us / ˈdreɪ.nɪŋ ˌbɔːrd/ noun UK.

  3. the sound or action of liquid falling in drops. 滴水聲;滴下. All I could hear was the drip of the rain from the roof. 我只能聽到雨水從房頂滴下來的聲音。 同義詞. dribble (SLOW FLOW) rivulet literary. trickle (LIQUID)

  4. 2024年6月26日 · 當接獲滴水投訴個案後,食環署人員會進行實地調查,以確認投訴是否成立。 若滴水情況對公眾人士造成滋擾,查找滴水源頭及採取進一步跟進行動。 若有關個案涉及本署以外的工作範疇,會轉介予相關部門跟進 (例如:破損供水喉管、破損外露/外牆排水管)。

  5. gargoyle uk / ˈgɑː.gɔɪl/ us / ˈgɑːr.gɔɪl/ noun. an ugly creature or head cut from stone and attached to the roof of an old church, etc., often with an open mouth through which rain water flows away.

  6. 英漢例句. 這些 水滴 成為云核或「種子」,其周圍可以形成具有反射能力的層積云。. these droplets become the nuclei, or 「seeds」, around which reflexive stratocumulus clouds can form. 小 水滴 順著氣流運動. small droplets tend to follow the streamlines of the air. 外面,松樹上的雨 水滴 落在 ...

  7. 【滴水】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:drip(使滴下;。英詞典提供【滴水】的詳盡英文翻譯、用法、例句等

  8. 滴水-翻译为英语-例句中文| Reverso Context. 在英语中翻译"滴水" 名词. 动词. drip. droplet. gargoyle. raindrop. drop dripping. 显示更多. 她结束了在滴水过夜。 She ended up on a drip overnight. 功能区域和滴水托盘采用稳定的不锈钢材质. Functional area and drip tray in robust stainless steel. 一滴水就会让它烂掉. A droplet of clean water, and it rots. 脱水,滴水损失,和细菌的加速增长是由微小的气温上升。

  9. 英文解释里: drip-dry - IV - runproof - seep in. 中文: 滴 - 滴下. 在单词列表中: Water, 更多…… 同义词: dribble, trickle, plop, drop, sprinkle, 更多……

  10. 滴水是什么意思_滴水的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词霸在线词典. [ dī shuǐ] 释义. drip. (使)滴下; 充满; 实用场景例句. 全部. Make sure the draining board, sink and plug hole are regularly disinfected. 滴水板、水槽和塞孔一定要定期消毒。 柯林斯例句. Drips of water rolled down the trousers of his uniform. 他的制服裤子在不停地滴水。 柯林斯例句. Another drop of water fell with a soft plop. 又一滴水嘀嗒一声落下。 柯林斯例句.

  11. Chinese English 英语 中 "滴水" 的上下文示例. 这些例句有来自外部资源,因此可能并非完全准确。. bab.la对内容免责。. 滴水 之恩当涌泉相报. more_vert. the favor of a drop of water has been rewarded with the gratitude of a fountain of water. 滴水 穿石。. more_vert. Water dropping day by day wears ...

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