香港包皮手術中心是專門提供的割包皮的醫療服務,在多年來已幫助了許多男仕及小童。 中心採用微創科技的手術方法,令患者所受的痛楚減至最輕微,傷口亦非常細小,因此避免了疤痕大及疼痛的問題。
香港包皮手術中心是一所專門為大眾提供檢查、診斷及治療包皮問題而設立的專科診所,全由香港註冊的專科醫生主理,經驗豐富。 語言: 中文 ENG 查詢熱線: 2117 1396
成人及兒童割包皮介紹. 盧韋冲專科醫生. 五年來, 我們已幫助了超過3000個割包皮的男仕及小童。. 包皮問題中,男仕許多時候更會有包皮繫帶 (像舌頭下的"脷根")過短的情況,如果只是處理包皮長短,不理會繫帶,最後只會產生另一問題,必須一併處理,方為 ...
We are a circumcision clinic located in Hong Kong. Our qualified surgeons carry out circumcisions on all age groups of males. We employ numerous methods to ensure the correct procedure is used. Our patient confidentiality is of the strictest practise and confidentiality is assured to the highest level.
Can I see a doctor first before performing the procedure? Yes, certainly.It is advisable to consult our doctors prior to the operation. The consultation can take place the same day as the operation (your appointment date). What method do you use for circumcision?
香港包皮手術中心是一所專門為大眾提供檢查、診斷及治療包皮問題而設立的專科診所,全由香港註冊的專科醫生主理,經驗豐富。 語言: 中文 ENG 查詢熱線: 2117 1396
Fax: 30071438. Email: sur@doctor1000.org. We are a circumcision clinic located in Hong Kong. Our qualified surgeons carry out circumcisions on all age groups of males.
Sebaceous Cyst. A sebaceous cyst is a type of closed cyst that lies below the skin's surface. This kind of cyst fills with a fatty material called sebum (which has been produced by the sebaceous glands in the epidermis).
於激光包皮切除手術時,龜頭和陰莖被一個特別設計的金屬環保護,令疤痕平滑和癒合良好。 傷口使用可自然溶解的縫合線。 整個手術過程需時約20-30分鐘。