雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年6月13日 · 江門市 (官方音譯: Jiangmen ,傳統外文: Kongmoon 、Kongmun [5] 、Kiangmen),又稱 四邑 、 五邑 ,簡稱 邑 ,是 中華人民共和國 廣東省 下轄的 地級市 ,位於廣東省南部,是 粵港澳大灣區 的涵蓋城市之一。. 市境東鄰 珠海市 、 中山市 ,北界 佛山市 ...

  2. 江门市 (官方音譯: Jiangmen ,传统外文: Kongmoon 、Kongmun [5] 、Kiangmen),又称 四邑 、 五邑 ,简称 邑 ,是 中华人民共和国 广东省 下辖的 地级市 ,位于广东省南部,是 粵港澳大灣區 的涵蓋城市之一。. 市境东邻 珠海市 、 中山市 ,北界 佛山市 ,西北临 ...

  3. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › JiangmenJiangmen - Wikipedia

    • Names
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    Jiangmen is the pinyin romanization of the Chinese name 江門 or 江门, based on its pronunciation in the Mandarin dialect. Its former Wade-Giles spelling was Chiang-men. The Postal Map spelling "Kongmoon" was based upon the same name's Cantonese pronunciation Gong¹-moon⁴. Other forms of the name include Kongmoon, Kongmun, and Kiangmoon.[citation needed]...

    Jiangmen was forced to open up to western trade in 1904, after a 1902 declaration which made it a treaty port. During the subsequent period of western influence, a number of western-style buildings were constructed along the city's waterfront, and currently, the city's government is partaking in a renewal project to restore many of these buildings....

    The city is located on the lower reaches of the Xi River and the Tan River[zh], in the western section of the Pearl River Delta in the middle of southern Guangdong Province. It faces the South China Sea in the south and is 100 kilometres (62 mi) away from Guangzhou and Zhuhai by highway.[citation needed] Jiangmen city has an area of 9,260 square ki...

    The climate is subtropical with monsoonalinfluences. The annual average temperature is 22.36 °C (72.25 °F).

    Jiangmen was selected by the Chinese state as a pilot city for a nationwide information programme.[which?] It was also chosen by the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC) as a trial city for the Regional Integration for Sustainable Economics (RISE) project. According to the World Bank's"Report on Investment Environment in China" for 2005, Jia...

    Jiangmen is the ancestral homeland of approximately 4 million overseas Chinese, who live in 107 countries and regions throughout the world. Strong oversea connections are especially found in the villages.[citation needed] The dialect spoken in Jiangmen city itself is a Siyi Yue dialect, but is distinct from the Taishanese spoken in Taishan City. Ev...

    A significant amount of historical heritage survives from the period of mass emigration prior to World War II. The most significant are the fortified multi-story towers found mainly in Kaiping. These are known as "Gold Mountain Towers" or diaolou. A number of natural hotspring resorts has been developed successfully by using its wealthy natural hea...

    Universities and Colleges

    Wuyi University is the only university which is founded within the city, whereby it's one of the member of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao University Alliance (GHMUA). And Guangzhou Huali College Jiangmen campus is also located in the city. And there are also some Vocational colleges in the city: 1. Jiangmen Polytechnic College, located at Chaolian Island, enrolls about 13,000 students in various technical and humanities programs. 2. Guangdong Jiangmen Chinese Medicine College 3. Guangdong Jiangmen...

    Secondary Education

    The only international school in Jiangmen is Boren Sino-Canadian School, while bilingual schools include WuYi Country Garden Bilingual School and China-Hong Kong English School. Jiangmen No. 1 Middle School is claimed[by whom?]to be the top middle school in the district. It used to be one of the best middle schools in Guangdong Province in the 1980s and 1990s. However, the quality of its education has been dropping in recent years and within the district of Jiangmen, its status is being const...

    Roads and highways

    Jiangmen has a mature network of inter-city and intra-city highways and expressways, whose total length has reached 10,084.97 kilometres (6,266.51 mi) as of 2016. G15 Shenyang–Haikou Expressway travels at the north, connecting downtown Jiangmen to three of its administrative divisions Heshan, Kaiping and Enping, as well as nearby cities Yangjiang, Zhongshan and Foshan. S32 Western Coastal Expressway[zh] goes along Jiangmen's coastlines, linking Zhuhai at the east and Yangjiang at the west. G9...


    Although the very first railway, Sun Ning Railway, began operation in 1909, it was discontinued in 1938 to deny its use by the Japanese military. The second operational railway is the Jiangmen branch of Guangzhou–Zhuhai intercity railway (opened 2011), which provides frequent service from Jiangmen railway station / Jiangmen East railway station to Guangzhou South Railway Station, where connections to the nation's high-speed railway network are available. Since the late 2012, Jiangmen is also...


    Making use of the Jiangmen Port facilities, Chu Kong Passenger Transport (CKS) connects Jiangmen with high speed ferry services to Hong Kong(95 nautical miles) taking about 2.5 hours each way.

    Sorted by family name/surname (as per the English spelling), then by English given name (if applicable) or by Chinese given name (if no English given name is available). 1. Chin Siu Dek, Grandmaster of Kung Fu San Soo 2. Victoria Chung (1897-1966) also known as Zhang Xiaobai, Canadian physician at Jiangmen Central Hospital[zh] 3. Li Enliang(1912–20...

  4. 其他人也問了

  5. 江門市人民政府 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書. 江門市人民政府 ,簡稱 江門市政府 、 江府 ,是 中華人民共和國 廣東省 江門市 的地方國家 行政機關 。 職權 [ 編輯] 根據《 中華人民共和國地方各級人民代表大會和地方各級人民政府組織法 》第七十三條,縣級以上的地方各級人民政府行使下列職權 [1] : 執行本級人民代表大會及其常務委員會的決議,以及上級國家行政機關的決定和命令,規定行政措施,發佈決定和命令; 領導所屬各工作部門和下級人民政府的工作; 改變或者撤銷所屬各工作部門的不適當的命令、指示和下級人民政府的不適當的決定、命令; 依照法律的規定任免、培訓、考核和獎懲國家行政機關工作人員;

  6. 江門市 ( 粵拼 : gong1 mun4 si5 )響 中國 廣東 中西部南岸,西江下游,家下係地級市,叫 江門市 ,舊時係個鎮,叫 江門鎮 。 市管三區四縣級市,即係 蓬江 區、 江海 區、 新會 區,同埋 台山 市、 開平 市、 鶴山 市、 恩平 市。 江門市個城(讀seng 2 )響蓬江,係正牌江門嘅地方,原本係新會縣下嘅墟市。 江門市呢帶就係清同民國嘅 四邑 地方。 加埋鶴山,就係五邑。 一般來講,日常講江門,係指舊時江門嘅範圍,即係蓬江區同江海區一帶。 大清 曾經同 英國 簽約,江門做商港,開放畀外國,所以前有名係 Kong-Moon 。 而家佢係 粵港澳大灣區 9+2城市群其中一個城市。 名. 江門市行政分區.

  7. 中國 廣東省 江門市 的一個 市轄區 ,位於廣東省 粵港澳大灣區 的中部偏西,地處江門市東南部,北接蓬江區,南面和西面與新會區相連,東與中山市古鎮鎮隔西江相望。 江海區瀕臨南海,屬亞熱帶海洋性季風氣候。 中江、江鶴、江珠三條高速公路在區內交匯,廣珠城際輕軌穿境而過。 國家知識產權強縣工程示範縣(區),區人民政府駐東海路338號。 歷史 [ 編輯] 參見: 新會歷史. 位於滘頭鄉西京里的趙氏祠堂. 明、清時期,今江海區域地歸新會縣潮連司轄。 民國期間,除江南一帶一度屬江門省轄市地域外,其他地區仍為新會縣治。 新中國成立後,江南、滘頭、滘北、外海先後劃歸江門市。 名為江門國家高新技術產業開發區,其後更名為江海區。 2006年9月25日,江門國家高新技術產業開發區申報國家級。

  8. www.wikiwand.com › zh-hant › 江门市江門市 - Wikiwand

    江門市,又稱四邑、五邑,簡稱邑,是中華人民共和國廣東省下轄的地級市,位於廣東省南部,是粵港澳大灣區的涵蓋城市之一。 市境東鄰珠海市、中山市,北界佛山市,西北臨雲浮市,西接陽江市,南濱南海。