雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 马云 (1964年9月10日 — ) [8] ,祖籍 浙江 嵊县 ,生于浙江 杭州 , 中国大陆 企业家 , 中国共产党 党员。 曾为亚洲首富、 阿里巴巴集团 董事局主席 (董事长) [9] , 淘宝网 、 支付宝 的创始人, 大自然保護協會 大中華理事會名譽主席, 華誼兄弟 董事。 目前擔任 香港大學 經管學院名譽教授,所在的學術領域為「管理及商業策略」,以及擔任 東京大學 所屬研究機構東京學院的 客座教授 ,研究方向為「可持续农业和粮食生产」。 生平. 求學生涯. 马云祖籍浙江省 嵊县 (现 嵊州市 ) 谷来镇 ,后父母移居 杭州 。 幼年时就读于杭州市中北二小 [10] [11] (现长寿桥小学)。 后在 杭州市天水中学 短期就读 [12] 。

  2. 2024年5月18日 · 馬雲 (1964年9月10日 — ) [8] ,祖籍 浙江 嵊縣 ,生於浙江 杭州 , 中國大陸 企業家 , 中國共產黨 黨員。 曾為亞洲首富、 阿里巴巴集團 董事局主席 (董事長) [9] , 淘寶網 、 支付寶 的創始人, 大自然保護協會 大中華理事會名譽主席, 華誼兄弟 董事。 目前擔任 香港大學 經管學院名譽教授,所在的學術領域為「管理及商業策略」,以及擔任 東京大學 所屬研究機構東京學院的 客座教授 ,研究方向為「可持續農業和糧食生產」。 生平 [ 編輯] 求學生涯 [ 編輯] 馬雲祖籍浙江省 嵊縣 (現 嵊州市 ) 谷來鎮 ,後父母移居 杭州 。 幼年時就讀於杭州市中北二小 [10] [11] (現長壽橋小學)。 後在 杭州市天水中學 短期就讀 [12] 。

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. 2021年4月23日 · 2021年4月22日. 2018年,经营互联网公司腾讯的化腾和电子商务公司阿里巴巴的创始人马云在北京会面。 Mark Schiefelbein/Associated Press. 中国最著名的商人马云正在回避聚光灯。 他的朋友说他在画画、打太极。 他有时会把画发给日本巨头软银 (SoftBank)领导人、亿万富翁孙正义看。...

  5. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Jack_MaJack Ma - Wikipedia

    • Early Life and Education
    • Business Career
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    Ma was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang on September 10, 1964, as Ma Yun. He became interested in learning the English language as a young boy and began practicing it with English-speaking visitors who frequented the Hangzhou International Hotel. Ma's grandfather served as a security guard during the Second Sino-Japanese War. At the age of 12, Ma bought ...

    Early career

    According to Ma's autobiographical speech, after graduating from Hangzhou Normal University in 1988, Ma applied for 31 different odd entry-level jobs and was rejected for every single one. "I went for a job with the KFC; they said, 'you're no good'", Ma told interviewer Charlie Rose. "I even went to KFC when it came to my city. Twenty-four people went for the job. Twenty-three were accepted. I was the only guy [rejected]...". During this period, China was nearing the end of its first decade f...

    Chairman of Alibaba Group

    Since 1999, Ma served as the executive chairman of Alibaba Group, which has remained one of China's most prominent high-technology holding companies in the two decades since it inception presiding over nine major subsidiaries: Alibaba.com, Taobao Marketplace, Tmall, eTao, Alibaba Cloud Computing, Juhuasuan, 1688.com, AliExpress.com, and Alipay. At the annual general meeting of shareholders for Alibaba.com in May 2010, Ma announced Alibaba Group would begin in 2010 to earmark 0.3% of annual re...

    During tech crackdown

    News outlets noted a lack of public appearances from Ma between October 2020 and January 2021, coinciding with a regulatory crackdown on his businesses. The Financial Times reported that the disappearance may have been connected to a speech given at the annual People's Bank of China financial markets forum, in which Ma criticized China's regulators and banks. Ma described state banks as operating with a pawn shop mentality and criticized the Basel Accords as a "club for the elderly.": 50 On N...

    In 2017, Ma made his acting debut with his first kung fu short film Gong Shou Dao, directed by Wen Zhang and produced by Jet Li. The film stars Ma, Li, Donnie Yen, Wu Jing, Tony Jaa, Jacky Heung, Asashōryū Akinori, Zou Shiming, and Natasha Liu Bordizzo. It was filmed in collaboration with the Double 11 Shopping Carnival Singles' Day. In the same ye...

    In 2004, Ma was honored as one of the "Top 10 Economic Personalities of the Year" by China Central Television(CCTV).
    In September 2005, the World Economic Forum selected Ma as a "Young Global Leader".
    Fortunealso selected him as one of the "25 Most Powerful Businesspeople in Asia" in 2005.

    Ma is an adherent of both Buddhism and Taoism. On September 24, 2014, in an interview with Taobao, Ma attributed the strength of American society to the country being rooted in its Judeo-Christian heritage and expressed his belief in the importance for China to implement a positive value system in order to overcome the aftermath and legacy of the b...

    Jack Ma is the founder of the Jack Ma Foundation, a philanthropic organization focused on improving education, the environment and public health. In 2008, Alibaba donated $808,000 to victims of the Sichuan earthquake.In 2009 Jack Ma became a trustee of The Nature Conservancy's China program, and in 2010 he joined the global Board of Directors of th...

    Leadership biographies at Alibaba Group
    Appearances on C-SPAN
    Jack Ma on Charlie Rose
    Biography at The Nature Conservancy(Board of Directors)
  6. 2021年1月4日 · Getty Images. 马云称,没有系统性金融风险,因为中国金融基本上没有系统。 阿里巴巴创始人、中国电商大亨马云的下落近来引起英国媒体普遍关注。 诸多报章似乎齐声发问,“马云哪儿去了? 报道称,马云过去两个月一直未在公开场合露面,这和他过往的“高调”形成鲜明对比。 马云本人近期社交媒体上保持沉默,他的微博和推特最后一次更新都是在去年10月;阿里巴巴的解释也很单薄。...

  7. 马云. 外文名. Jack Ma [109] 别 名. 风清扬(阿里巴巴内部花名) 国 籍. 中国. 民 族. 汉族. 出生日期. 1964年9月10日. 毕业院校. 杭州师范学院. 就职企业. 阿里巴巴集团. 主要成就. 改革开放40年百名杰出民营企业家. 主要成就. 《福布斯》全球最有权力人物《财富》中国最具影响力的50位商界领袖《时代》全球100位最有影响力人物中国互联网年度人物. 职 业. 企业家、慈善家.

  8. 2018年11月28日 · 中国网商巨头创办人马云也榜上有名,《人民日报》为他撰写的简介更揭示了他的共产党党员身份。 《人民日报》的介绍指,阿里巴巴打造了全球最大的电子商务平台,成为拉动中国内需的巨大推动力,而阿里巴巴在马云的带领下,令中国在“电商、互联网金融和计算领域的国际竞争中居于领先水平”。 短短20年前,中国的民营企业家仍然不可以成为共产党员。...