雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 項目旨在為患有矮小症和肌肉萎縮症的女士提供上門3D掃描度身訂造胸圍服務以解決肢體殘疾女士佩戴胸圍方面的困難項目計劃為180名肢體殘疾女士度身訂造胸圍並為4名殘疾人士提供就業培訓。 機構名稱. 百多路錡有限公司. 獲批資助額. 港幣200,000元. 資助期 (狀況) 9個月 (正接受資助) 預期效益. 為180名肢體殘疾女士提供度身訂造的胸圍. 為4名殘疾人士提供就業培訓. 發展歷程. (適時更新) 網頁. (適時更新) 返回: 創新計劃.

  2. The venture aims to design and develop an assistive device for people who suffer from resting tremor to enable them to hold a cup stably and thus improve their quality of life and self-reliance. The device would minimise involuntary or unwanted oscillations of the cup caused by the tremor so that users can drink safely, effectively and independently.

  3. Approved Funding Amount. HK$200,000. Funding Period (Status) 1 year and 3 months (Ended) Impact/Outcomes. Developed a prototype of an assistive device for holding cups. Reached 53 beneficiaries, including elderly with upper limb functional impairments, patients suffering from Parkinsonism, hand tremor and Hemiplegia. Website.

  4. 單親低收入家庭女生 - 為單親低收入家庭的女孩提供價格相宜的優質內衣物品。. 此外,本項目亦會透過與醫院、中小學校、社區會堂等機構合作,以外展講堂形式推廣關於內衣穿戴的健康資訊。. 按 此 了解本計劃背後的「創新香港人」. 機構名稱. 樂柔美健服 ...

  5. The venture targets to tailor-make bras for 180 physically challenged women and provide job training to 4 persons with disabilities. Name of Organisation. Bardoru Group Limited. Approved Funding Amount. HK$200,000. Funding Period (Status) 9 months (Active) Expected Impact. Provide tailor-made bras to 180 physically challenged women.

  6. 基督教香港信義會社會服務部自2006年起以自負盈虧的社會企業模式營運「外出易-陪診及護送服務」,聘請弱勢社群為長者及復康人士提供陪診及護送服務。. 這項服務於2015年推出「護送天使」計劃,招募低收入人士、綜援人士及退休人士等弱勢社群,正式培訓 ...

  7. 快速肺炎診斷. 開發一套可於短時間內提供測試結果的肺炎診斷工具. 項目旨在研發一套快速診斷工具,用以探測引致呼吸道感染的早期支原體。. 藉著測試病人的呼吸道黏液,這套工具可於小時內得出初步的診斷結果,而傳統方法需時兩日。. 快速測試結果有 ...