雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Sheet Music Performance MV. 整體曲速慢, 有較多臨時記號需要注意, 歌曲的大小聲變換多且明顯, 強弱部分要明顯詮釋出來, 左右手有一些快速音階, 可以參考我指法, 彈不起來可自行修改或刪減~ 還沒聽過的不要錯過,喜歡的歡迎購譜支持! This sheet music composer Nicepianosheets has passed the quality certification, welcome to click me to request him to make sheet music for you. Sheet music player not working? Can't preview sheet?

  2. Sheet Music Performance MV. 整體曲速普通, 97小節左右手需搭配, 雖然看起來很難, 但其實不會太難, 部分有一些左手八度需要高速跳躍, 手速不夠快可以不要彈八度, 會簡單很多~ 還沒聽過的不要錯過,喜歡的歡迎購譜支持! This sheet music composer Nicepianosheets has passed the quality certification, welcome to click me to request him to make sheet music for you. Sheet music player not working? Can't preview sheet?

  3. Sheet Music Performance MV. 整體曲速慢, 左手大部分蠻簡單的, 尤其主歌的地方, 但在副歌及間奏的部分, 就有需要跳比較遠的地方, 可根據個人技術修改或刪減, 整首曲子強弱鮮明, 各個音符力度上的控制非常要求~ 還沒聽過的不要錯過,喜歡的歡迎購譜支持! This sheet music composer Nicepianosheets has passed the quality certification, welcome to click me to request him to make sheet music for you. Sheet music player not working? Can't preview sheet?

  4. 2024年3月11日 · Sheet Music Performance MV. 歌曲速度算普通偏快, 右手我用了一些三連音及裝飾音點綴, 技術不夠可省略只彈主旋律就好, 34~40小節可能是最難的段落, 主要左手需要夠靈巧, 若技術不夠左手一定要單獨抓出來先練熟, 其餘注意各段落的強弱的漸層變化即可! 還沒聽過的不要錯過,喜歡的歡迎購譜支持! This sheet music composer Nicepianosheets has passed the quality certification, welcome to click me to request him to make sheet music for you. Sheet music player not working?

  5. 但速度慢會太難, 無法應付可以把最低音拿掉, 27小節左手類似段落, 高音的地方盡可能彈輕一點~ 還沒聽過的不要錯過,喜歡的歡迎購譜支持!

  6. Sheet Music Performance MV. 整體曲速慢, 最難的段落在49小節, 除了節奏與踏板的控制, 手還要一定的跳躍, 抓不到感覺可多聽影片, 彈不起來也可改編或刪減, 其餘應該還算蠻好上手的~ 還沒聽過的不要錯過,喜歡的歡迎購譜支持! This sheet music composer Nicepianosheets has passed the quality certification, welcome to click me to request him to make sheet music for you. Sheet music player not working? Can't preview sheet?

  7. Sheet Music Performance MV. 整體曲速普通, 參雜較多不同的技術, 相比2020的版本, 把部分地方做小修改跟調整, 有些地方可以簡化但達到同樣的效果, 但一樣好聽, 然後速度可以慢一點,注意細節的彈奏~ 還沒聽過的不要錯過,喜歡的歡迎購譜支持! This sheet music composer Nicepianosheets has passed the quality certification, welcome to click me to request him to make sheet music for you. Sheet music player not working? Can't preview sheet?