雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 透過我們Cake Smash / 生日攝影套餐,為您或您小寶貝里程碑時刻添上一抹歡樂。 每一張畫框都捕捉到難忘的的歡樂、生日驚喜和純粹愉悅,將慶祝轉化為充滿回憶視覺盛宴。

  2. 價目表. 在快影館,我們希望為您帶來一次又一次美好拍攝回憶。. 因此我們將所有攝影套餐和服務收費都清楚例明,一切明碼實價,收費公開和公平。. 一切只因一個簡單信念:讓您每分每毫都用在您回憶之上!.

  3. 戶外照. 在我們作品畫廊中,你可以欣賞我們過往作品,包括家庭照/全家福、小童照、寵物照、孕婦相、Cake Smash 生日相、個人照等等。.

  4. Price List. At SpeedyCat, we aim to create wonderful memories for you. That's why we provide transparent pricing for all our photography packages and services – everything is clear, fair and square. It's all based on our simple belief: Every penny should go towards your memories!

  5. www.speedycat.com.hk › en › galleryGallery | SpeedyCat

    Embark on a visual odyssey as you step into our Studio's Gallery – where every frame is a masterpiece, and each image paints a story of timeless elegance and artistic finesse.

  6. www.speedycat.com.hk › enHome | SpeedyCat

    Our studios are located across Hong Kong. Studio locations include Wan Chai, Yau Tong, Tsuen Wan, Causeway Bay, Sha Tin and Lai Chi Kok. We can also bring the studio to you. Whether it's a corporate team photo shooting or private event, SpeedyCat is always ready to provide you with professional and high-quality services.

  7. 2680. 約 1.5 小時拍攝時間. 12 張 4R 數碼檔案連專業修圖. 包生日主題場地佈置. 不同燈光效果、服飾、多款背景和道具. 拍攝過程溫馨短片. 送親子合照. 顯示詳細. - 詳細內容及附加費 • 送 4R 精美雙面水晶相架 • 套餐包 1 - 4 人/寵物,加人數/寵物每位加 $150 • 多選一張 4R 數碼檔案連專業修圖加 $180 • 全取所有 4R 數碼檔案加 $600 • 星期六、日或公眾假期加 $200. Cake Smash Package. $ 2680. 1.5 hours shooting. 12 digital photos with professional retouching in 4R. Birthday decorations included.