雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年11月10日 · 通过军港、造船、生活航线等项目,尽情体验「海风之国」佐世保的代表地佐世保港的魅力之所在。. 海上自卫队、海上保安厅、美国海军等都曾驻扎于此,所以将昔日「军港」的历史延续至今,便形成了「港口城市佐世保」。. 航路将造船场「佐世保重工业 ...

  2. 2020年4月25日 · If you're a fan of history or maritime relics, the Hikawa Maru liner is waiting for you. Hikawa Maru was constructed to transport passengers and cargo between Japan and Seattle, Washington, USA, starting in 1930. During World War II, the vessel also served as a hospital for approximately 30,000 wounded Japanese soldiers.

  3. 2016年4月11日 · Japanese nursery schools, or hoikuen (保育園), are day-care centers that take care of children while their parents are at work. Both public and private options are available, accepting kids from less than a year old to elementary school age (6 years old).

  4. 營業時間|每月份營業時間不同詳洽官網. 票價|成人2,200日幣、國高中生1,300日幣、3歲以上至小學生1,100日幣. 交通|JR「太秦站」徒步5分鐘、搭乘京都市營巴士至「太秦映畫村前」等. 京都親子景點3:鐵道迷必訪・京都鐵道博物館. 2016年4月全新開幕的「京都鐵道博物館」以官方吉祥物燕子「梅鐵」帶大家認識鐵路的文化。 館內展示了從蒸汽火車到新幹線共53輛的火車,其中最早的火車來自於1880年北海道幹線鐵路—幌內鐵道,從美國引進最先進的火車頭「義經」。 透過資料蒐集、研究調查、展示到教育,讓大家能更了解鐵路的歷史、安全性與技術。 官網| http://www.kyotorailwaymuseum.jp/tc/ (繁體中文) 營業時間|10:00~17:30.

  5. 2019年1月23日 · Three young girls were among the statesmen and students sent to find ways to modernize Japan. The empress of Japan set them the task to bring back the methods needed to jumpstart women’s education in Japan. The youngest, Umeko Tsuda, was just six years old at the time.

  6. 2017年4月29日 · Kids in Japan are making out like bandits and getting not presents but cold, hard cash on New Year’s Day in the form of otoshidama. On January 1 in Japan, families traditionally get together to talk, laugh, drink, and eat large amounts of food that would give even the most gluttonous Christmas turkey gobbler a run for their money.

  7. 2016年4月7日 · If you've ever taught at a Japanese elementary school, this video is sure to bring back memories! School lunch, or kyushoku, is an institution in Japan, with kids in elementary and junior high school receiving healthy, balanced meals at school every day.

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