雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 滲水是香港多層式大廈常見的滋擾行為。 滲水不但對受影響業主和佔用人造成滋擾和不便,更有可能破壞大廈建築物的結構。 業主應留意自己的單位有否滲水,亦要留意有否受其他單位滲水影響。 A. 滲水的常見成因是甚麼? 滲水的常見成因包括: 樓上、毗鄰或本身單位的排水管漏水; 樓上、毗鄰或本身單位的供水管漏水; 樓板防水層或浴缸封邊殘損;及. 污水或雨水經由天台∕外牆滲入。 B. 怎樣查出滲水的源頭? 業主有責任維修及管理其物業,包括查出滲水源頭。 如滲水發生在私人物業,業主應先查出原因,如情況許可,便應與相關住戶和業主合作,進行維修。 食物及環境衞生署(食環署)和屋宇署的聯合辦事處編印了 《DIY家居滲水簡易測試》小冊子 ,介紹偵測滲水源頭的方法,業主可參考此小冊子的檢測方法,與鄰居協力解決問題。

  2. 香港大學法律學院與當值律師服務計劃合作,在港大校園提供免費法律諮詢計劃,旨在(一) 為面對法律問題的大學教員、學生、或公眾人士對有關涉及香港法律的實際問題而提供初步的法律意見;(二) 透過處理真實案件,加強法律學生處理案件的經驗和技巧,及推廣義務專業服務的文化。

    • A. What Are Some Common Causes of Water Leakage?
    • B. How Can The Source of The Water Leakage Be Identified?
    • C. How Can A Water Leakage Dispute Be Settled?
    • D. The Fehd/Bd Joint Office
    • F. What Can The Fehd/Bd Joint Office Do to Abate Water Leakage Nuisance?

    Common causes of water leakage are: 1. leakage in the drainage pipes of your flat or one above or adjacent to your flat; 2. leakage in the water supply pipes of your flat or one above or adjacent to your flat; 3. deteriorated waterproofing of floor slabs or bathtub seals; and 4. seepage of waste water or rain water through the roof or external wall...

    Property owners are responsible for maintaining and managing their flats, including investigating water leakage problems. If water seepage/leakage is found inside a private property, the owner should first investigate the cause and, as appropriate, co-ordinate with the occupants and owners concerned for repairs. The Joint Office of the Food and Env...

    If the water leakage is suspected to originate from a flat above or next door, the owner should quickly approach the owner and the occupier of the suspected flat to investigate and arrange repair work to stop the leakage. If the water leakage is suspected to originate from the common area of the building, assistance may be sought from the managers ...

    The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) and Buildings Department (BD) established a Joint Office in mid-2006 to handle water leakage problems in which the Government has a responsibility to intervene. The Joint Office provides a “one-stop service” for dealing with complaints about water leakage in buildings. Its role is to enforce the ...

    The Joint Office is authorised to enforce the relevant provisions of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance. If the source of leakage is identified, the person concerned is issued a nuisance notice requiring abatement of the nuisance within a specified period of time, failing which the person will be subject to prosecution. Upon convict...

  3. Family CLIC is a community legal information website specially designed with a view to providing Hong Kong families with basic information about the law, crimes, and legal issues which family members are interested in, need to know about, and may affect them. ...

  4. An overview of nuisance. Most people in Hong Kong live in multi-storey buildings. The population density in these multi-storey buildings is high and neighbours live very close to each other. Residents can easily be affected by the actions of their neighbours, resulting in disputes.

  5. A. 盜竊罪. 根據 第210章《盜竊罪條例》 第9條 ,盜竊是刑事罪行。. 盜竊罪涉及不誠實地挪佔屬於他人的財物,意圖永久奪去他人的財物。. 「挪佔」的意思是將其他人的財物當成是自己的一樣,並隨著自己的意思去處置這些財物。. 「屬於他人」是指財物是屬於 ...

  6. An overview. The right to marry is a constitutional right provided by Article 37 of the Basic Law which states that “the freedom of marriage of Hong Kong residents and their right to raise a family freely shall be protected by law”. The minimum age for marriage in Hong Kong is 16.