雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. F. 聯合辦事處怎樣減輕滲水帶來的滋擾?. 聯合處事處獲授權執行香港法例 第132章《公眾衛生及市政條例》 的相關條文;證實滲水源頭後,可發出「妨擾事故通知」,規定有關人士在通知指明的期限內減輕滋擾情況,否則可提出檢控;一經定罪,最高可被罰款 ...

  2. I. 妨擾事故概述. 任何持續或重覆的行為或事態不合理地嚴重干擾他人的住所,或干擾他人使用或享用該住所,均視作妨擾事故。. 《普通法》保障任何人均有使用或享用住所的權利,免受鄰居的不合理干擾。. 如住客對鄰居造成滋擾,滋擾者可負上民事責任,因 ...

  3. A. 妨擾事故. 製造或構成噪音嚴重影響鄰居平日一般的舒適生活,便可構成「可遭起訴的妨擾事故」。 居民住在嘈吵的社區必定要容忍一定程度的噪音;所謂「平日一般的舒適生活」會因處所及居民的階層而改變,重點在於添加的噪音是否巨大至構成可遭起訴的妨擾行為。 有關妨擾的民事責任的一般定義,可參考「 私人滋擾 > 甚麼行為構成的滋擾可遭起訴? 」。 B. 刑事責任. 1. 任何時間製造噪音. 任何人於任何時間在住所或公眾地方因進行以下活動,發出擾人的噪音,即屬犯罪(香港法例 第400章《噪音管制條例》 第5 (1)及 (2)條 : 奏玩或操作任何樂器或其他器具,包括唱機、錄音機、收音機或電視機; 使用揚聲器、傳聲筒或其他擴音裝置或器具; 進行任何遊戲或消遣活動; 經營生意或業務;或.

    • A. What Are Some Common Causes of Water Leakage?
    • B. How Can The Source of The Water Leakage Be Identified?
    • C. How Can A Water Leakage Dispute Be Settled?
    • D. The Fehd/Bd Joint Office
    • F. What Can The Fehd/Bd Joint Office Do to Abate Water Leakage Nuisance?

    Common causes of water leakage are: 1. leakage in the drainage pipes of your flat or one above or adjacent to your flat; 2. leakage in the water supply pipes of your flat or one above or adjacent to your flat; 3. deteriorated waterproofing of floor slabs or bathtub seals; and 4. seepage of waste water or rain water through the roof or external wall...

    Property owners are responsible for maintaining and managing their flats, including investigating water leakage problems. If water seepage/leakage is found inside a private property, the owner should first investigate the cause and, as appropriate, co-ordinate with the occupants and owners concerned for repairs. The Joint Office of the Food and Env...

    If the water leakage is suspected to originate from a flat above or next door, the owner should quickly approach the owner and the occupier of the suspected flat to investigate and arrange repair work to stop the leakage. If the water leakage is suspected to originate from the common area of the building, assistance may be sought from the managers ...

    The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) and Buildings Department (BD) established a Joint Office in mid-2006 to handle water leakage problems in which the Government has a responsibility to intervene. The Joint Office provides a “one-stop service” for dealing with complaints about water leakage in buildings. Its role is to enforce the ...

    The Joint Office is authorised to enforce the relevant provisions of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance. If the source of leakage is identified, the person concerned is issued a nuisance notice requiring abatement of the nuisance within a specified period of time, failing which the person will be subject to prosecution. Upon convict...

  4. 渗水是香港多层式大厦常见的滋扰行为。 渗水不但对受影响业主和占用人造成滋扰和不便,更有可能破坏大厦建筑物的结构。 业主应留意自己的单位有否渗水,亦要留意有否受其他单位渗水影响。 A. 渗水的常见成因是甚么? 渗水的常见成因包括: 楼上、毗邻或本身单位的排水管漏水; 楼上、毗邻或本身单位的供水管漏水; 楼板防水层或浴缸封边残损;及. 污水或雨水经由天台∕外墙渗入。 B. 怎样查出渗水的源头? 业主有责任维修及管理其物业,包括查出渗水源头。 如渗水发生在私人物业,业主应先查出原因,如情况许可,便应与相关住户和业主合作,进行维修。 食物及环境衞生署(食环署)和屋宇署的联合办事处编印了 《DIY家居渗水简易测试》小册子 ,介绍侦测渗水源头的方法,业主可参考此小册子的检测方法,与邻居协力解决问题。

  5. 根據香港法例 第132章《公眾衛生及市政條例》 ,從任何處所內的通風系統(如冷氣機)排放廢水,不論是否污水,其方式足以構成法例訂明的妨擾事故。 C. 尋求協助. 冷氣機滴水導致的妨擾與環境衛生相關,因此由食環署負責處理。 如您發現有冷氣機滴水,可向食環署投訴。 不過,在公共屋邨(食肆除外)發生的冷氣機滴水事故,則由房屋署負責處理。 如滴水事故發生在房委會的屋苑,閣下應聯絡屋苑的管理處作跟進。 後退. 上一頁. 下一頁.

  6. 根據 第200章《刑事罪行條例》 第123條 ,與13歲以下女童非法性交,是刑事罪行,最高刑罰是終身監禁。. 比起 第124條 ,即與16歲以下女童非法性交,干犯 第123條 ,更為嚴重,因為涉及的女童年紀更小。. 只要證明到被告曾經與女童性交,而女童性交時不足13歲 ...