雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. MACAU. Clock Tower, as an icon of Hong Kong, is situated next to TST Victoria Harbour waterfront and was a part of former Kowloon-Canton Railway Terminus.

  2. The first Gudetama character themed restaurant Gudetama Café by Izumi Curry opens in YATA Hong Kong, serving designed food and mechandises.

  3. MACAU. Find the best deals and hotel insider tips on Hong Kong hotels. Where is best locations to stay? Where to find the best spas, bars and pools? And more.

  4. 花墟的檔主有時候會將花一直擺到行人路上。. 花墟的花價不但實惠,一打康乃馨才港幣$ 30左右,而且還新鮮。. 在這裡你還可以看到許多乾花,花瓶,以及其他和園藝有關的商品。. 一到週末,許多香港本地人都會前來花墟逛一逛,或購買或欣賞。. 香港花墟位 ...

  5. MACAU. Chuan Spa at Cordis Hong Kong (the former Langham Place hotel) offers body massage, facial, foot and hand treatments to revitalize your energy in Mongkok.

  6. A full review on Hong Kong Octopus Card: Is it suitable for tourists; how much and where to buy; how to use, how to add value, check balance and get refund.

  7. 6月12日是中國傳統的端午節,香港將有各式各樣的龍舟賽慶祝這個節日。尤其不要錯過赤柱和大澳的盛會。 大澳端午龍舟游湧和龍舟賽 (高度推薦) 大澳龍舟游湧至今已有超過100年歷史,是在特殊香港的於端午節的一種宗教性的祭祀活動,於2011年正式被列入第三批《國家級非物質文化遺產名錄》。