雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 2019年12月27日 · May happiness be with the two of you today and always. 祝你們百年好合。 May happiness increase with age and love deepen with time. 願你們白頭到老,永結同心。 I remember you telling me about that special someone whom you would like to spend your lifetime with. And I never met a perfect match like you two, congratulations! 我記得你曾經跟我提起過,你遇見了一個想要共渡餘生的人。

  2. 2012年6月25日 · 百年好合的英文: conjugal felicity. 参考例句: A well-matched couple, and a happy wedding. May you always be of one heart and enjoy a harmonious love. 佳偶天成,良缘喜结,祝你们百年好合,永结同心。 conjugal是什么意思 : a. 结婚的,配偶的. Latin verbs of the second conjugation. 属于第二种变化法的拉丁语动词。 Conjugal life,bliss,rights. 婚姻的生活、美满、权利. Have you ever heard of cell conjugation? 你有没有听说过细胞融合?

  3. 2012年6月28日 · 百年好合的中文意思是夫妻永远和好”. 英语可以这样说:. The best has just begun. Long may you be together. May you always live in wedded bliss. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish,till death do us part ...

  4. 2019年12月29日 · Best wishes always! 你們真是難得一見的天作之合,祝你永遠幸福。 May you two be always in love! Please accept our most sincere congratulations on your wedding day. 願你倆永浴愛河,亦請接受我們在你們大婚之日,送上最真切誠懇的祝福。 I know that you two will always be kind to each other and love each other more than anything in the world. I wish you the best of everything throughout the journey of life.

  5. 2020年10月10日 · 百年好合. conjugal felicity; long-lasting harmonious union (of a couple) staying in love for the rest of their lives, for better or worse (usually said during a wedding ceremony) Categories: Chinese lemmas. Mandarin lemmas. Cantonese lemmas. Chinese idioms. Mandarin idioms. Cantonese idioms.

  6. Congratulations. I'm very happy for you and wish you both the best. 作品中的鸳鸯惟妙惟肖背上羽毛的雕刻一丝不苟纹理清晰栩栩如生寓意百年好合永结同心。. Entries to the garden lady, carved in the back feathers meticulous, texture clear, lifelike symbolized eternal love, tie the knot. 每一套 ...

  7. 百年好合英文翻譯有很多種主要是因為百年好合是咱們臺灣人在結婚時的傳統祝賀詞國外只能就語意去翻譯所謂的百年好合就是一種婚姻的和諧狀態根據這樣的概念就可以用英文來詮釋以下整理了一些常見的百年好合英文翻譯方式給各位參考。 love for all seasons百年好合電影片名) be a harmonious union forever(良緣永久) a harmonious union lasting a hundred years(和諧和睦持續一百年) a marriage in harmony lasting forever(婚姻和諧永存) eternal harmony in marriage(永恆的和諧在婚姻裡) stay in love forever!

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