雅虎香港 搜尋

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  2. 了解英國大學學位、英國聯招(UCAS)申請辦法、大學銜接課程科目選擇、收生要求及學費等升學資訊. 香港學生可透過本中心報讀超過 125 所英國大學的大學及銜接課程

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  3. 擁有專業美國升學經驗,助學生升讀美國著名學府! 歡迎查詢,電話:39969200 / 91644537


  1. Exclusively designed to give our guests unique and unprecedented access to historical, cultural and local lifestyle experiences in each of our destinations, The Peninsula Academy offers a collection of bespoke programmes for both adults and children. With the perfect balance of lifestyle and culture, The Peninsula Hong Kong's Academy programmes ...

  2. Our comprehensive learning and development ‘leadership ladder’ enables our employees to develop their skills throughout various stages of their careers. An extensive range of learning and development programmes are delivered both on-property at each hotel and offsite with specialists, as well as through our global digital e-learning platform.

  3. The Peninsula Academy provides in-house guests with the chance to learn about and gain exposure to the uniqueness of Beijing. The rich culture of the capital and its hidden gems are highlighted in a variety of bespoke programmes including activities such as a once-in-a-lifetime tour of the Great Wall, a rickshaw Hutong tour, Dumpling making ...

  4. © 2023 香港上海大酒店管理服務有限公司 保留所有權利 | 半島酒店集團

  5. 寬敞的特級豪華客房,裝潢簡潔清新,裝飾優雅別致,內飾細節反映需乘坐輪船出行的歷史時代。. 客房光照充足,面向九龍一望無際,還可遠望獅子山高低起伏的山丘。. 客人探索豐富多姿的香港後,只需安坐房間中,即可透過流動裝置收看最愛的節目及影片 ...

  6. 不論是您的生日抑或是與親朋摰友慶賀生辰,香港半島酒店悉心打造的【你生 • 我賞】生辰住宿禮遇將會讓這特別的喜慶日子更添甜蜜。. 禮遇包括:. 客人可享相等於房價 50% 的酒店消費額(每次入住)。. 適用於半島餐飲及水療消費,或用於抵銷房價. 於露台 ...

  7. 住宿禮遇包括:. 客房升級服務:. 立即於peninsula.com 官網預訂,或致電半島酒店環球客戶服務中心 +852 2910 1628 查詢詳情。. 條款及細則:. 入住香港半島酒店,享受「遠東貴婦」最標誌性的獨特體驗。. 凡預訂「半島經典」住宿禮遇更可享三晚舒適豪華的住宿和 ...