雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Hong Kong Avenue of Stars is a 440m long promenade with over 100 plaques (hand imprint) of celebrities, opera-stars, scriptwriters and movie directors.

  2. Finally, Hong Kong most famous must-see attraction Avenue of Stars reopens again. Visit Bruce Lee statue and learn about famous actors, singers & superstars

  3. 香港集體的回憶:雪糕流動車—富豪雪糕(Mobile Softee). 香港以各種各樣價廉味美的街頭小吃而聞名,可惜由於城市的發展,曾經的街頭小吃現在也是越見越少,更見不到TVB電視劇裡推著小車賣小吃的攤檔了。. 不過,如果你在香港街頭溜達,你也許會留意到一 ...

  4. 2014年8月26日 · Taking a closer look at Anita Mui’s bronze statue, which has been designed by famous sculptor Professor Cao Chang’en, you will notice an engraved calligraphy saying “Daughter of Hong Kong Mui Yim Fong” at the bottom. This calligraphy has been designed and written by famous actor Andy Lau.

  5. 小车的车身写著“Mister Softee”,现在已更名为“Mobile Softee”。. 这些设计别致的小车不仅仅是售卖雪糕的流动点,更是传递著香港人的回忆和香港的文化. 几十年来,【富豪雪糕流动车】的招牌音乐还是那首经典的 《蓝色多瑙河》 。. 当你听到这首熟悉的乐曲的 ...

  6. 花墟的地圖和具體地點:. 香港花墟位於太子道,主要出售各種各樣的花卉,價格公道,花卉新鮮。. 除此之外,你可以買到各種乾花,花瓶和園藝相關產品。. 一到週末,花墟就接踵摩肩,許多香港本地人都會前來轉一轉。.

  7. Starry Gallery highlights Hong Kong’s movies in general during the closure of Avenue of Stars attraction, which temporarily substitutes Avenue of Star.

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