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  1. www.eamovers.com.hk › app › indexcn东亚搬运

    东亚搬运有限公司的“大型物件上楼梯”服务专为解决将大型、重型或体积庞大物件运送至高层住宅或办公室的挑战而设计。. 我们明白在狭窄的楼梯间搬运大型物品的难度,因此提供了一个专业、安全且高效的解决方案。. 无论是家具、钢琴、大型电器还是其他 ...

  2. www.eamovers.com.hk › app › index東亞搬運

    有 → 因為如需棄置傢俬,客戶需另付垃圾徵費,每噸500元

  3. www.eamovers.com.hk › app › index東亞搬運

    © 2023 East Asia Moving and Packing Company Limited. All rights reserved. © 2023 東亞搬運有限公司版權所有。

  4. The average home moving cost for a normal Hong Kong family is approximate 2,000-4,000 HKD Our price range is well-known as friendly and reasonable. 1. Success rate: Our success rate is around 89-92%. 2. Sample: Most of our orders are from current customers referrals, which can truly reflect our services and reputation among our clients. Example:.

  5. 本公司职员工作态度亲切有礼,服务良好,保证令您称心满意,打破传统一般搬屋公司的不良形象。. 对于任何搬写字楼、搬办公室或搬屋等服务,我们都保证搬运过程顺利并协助客户尽快继续贵公司的业务,适应新环境。. 移居新址,正在寻找搬家服务?. 因为 ...

  6. www.eamovers.com.hk › app › index東亞搬運

    東亞搬屋回收紙箱特別事項. 1. 當紙箱用完後, 請致電本公司來回收, 必定於通知當天或第二天來回收。. 2. 因本公司客戶眾多, 司機要因應當天行車路線, 才能確定時間。. 3. 等待回收之紙箱的確會佔用客戶寶貴地方, 所以敬請客戶能將紙箱放在門口位置, 走廊及 ...

  7. EA Moving and Packing Ltd established since 2003, started from a mini van to nowadays sizable fleet. Our founder, Mr.Chan believes that service quality and customer relationship are key to success. Majority of our orders are referred by existing clients, that proves that each process is fundamental to what EA has become!