雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.cic.hk › eng › mainLevy - CIC

    Levy. “Construction Industry Levy” has to be paid by contractors in the construction industry in respect of construction operations with a value exceeding $3 million*. * The levy thresholds under Construction Industry Council Ordinance (Cap. 587) and Construction Workers Registration Ordinance (Cap.583) were raised from $1 million to $3 ...

  2. www.cic.hk › chi › main徵款 - CIC

    徵款. 建造業徵款須由建造工程承建商繳付,而工程價值要超逾$3,000,000元*。. * 根據《建造業議會條例》 (第587章)及《建造業工人註冊條例》 ( 第583 章)的徵款門檻已由$1,000,000元調高至$3,000,000元,兩項條例決議於2018年7月30日生效。. 修訂後的徵款門檻沒有追溯 ...

  3. 徵款程序. 繳交徵款是承建商及石礦經營者的責任。 肺塵埃沉着病補償基金委員會將確保基金有效運用以履行委員會之工作。 請準時繳交徵款. 承建商及獲授權人須於建造工程開始後14天內向基金會填報及呈交 表格一. 每一承建商或獲授權人, 如無合理辯解而沒有遵照上述規定呈交有關表格, 即屬犯罪, 一經定罪, 可處罰款 $5,000. 凡就任何建造工程而向承建商或為承建商的利益而作出付款或中期付款, 該承建商須在付款後14天內向基金會填報及呈交 表格二. 每一承建商, 如無合理辯解而沒有遵照上述規定呈交有關表格, 即屬犯罪, 一經定罪, 可處罰款 $5,000. 承建商及獲授權人需於工程完成後14天內向基金會填報及呈交 表格三.

  4. CIC EService2 v1.3.5.4565

  5. In accordance with the Construction Industry Council Ordinance (Cap 587), the amount of levy due in respect of the above construction operations has been CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY

  6. 2021年4月20日 · Overview. There are 3 different types of construction levy, being a: levy under the Construction Industry Council Ordinance (Cap. 587) ("CICO") under which contractor is liable to pay a levy to the Construction Industry Council ("CIC") at the rate of 0.5% of the value of its construction operations.

  7. 2018年7月23日 · The levy thresholds under the Construction Industry Council Ordinance (CICO), the Construction Workers Registration Ordinance (CWRO) and the Pneumoconiosis and Mesothelioma (Compensation) Ordinance (PMCO) will be raised from $1 million to $3 million from next Monday (July 30).

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