雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2022年2月22日 · 韓團 GOT7 出身的王嘉爾 Jackson 才華洋溢,無論歌唱、舞蹈、創作都難不倒他,更難得的是他在綜藝上展現個性後更討人喜歡,有禮貌又有些呆萌和平時酷帥模樣以及菸嗓歌喉形成反差,也使得他成為許多女生的理想型。

  2. 2017年10月29日 · 王嘉爾自爆談過5次戀愛! 「現任女友狀態」跟著曝光. 記者張筱涵/綜合報導. 韓團GOT7出身香港籍藝人王嘉爾(Jackson)日前上《青春旅社》,被主持人問到大家最關心的感情狀態以及理想型,面對觀眾一向都很坦承的他也很自然地全盤托出,「交過4、5個女朋友」。 王嘉爾以韓團GOT7出道,現活躍於南韓和大陸娛樂圈。 (圖/翻攝自王嘉爾IG)...

  3. 2014年2月4日 · 王嘉爾(英語: Jackson Wang Ka Yee,韓語: 잭슨 Jaek Seun [4],1994年3月28日 — ),香港男歌手 、音樂人、 TEAM WANG主理人 、主設計師 、創意總監和 MV導演、韓國男子偶像團體GOT7成員、前中國香港劍擊代表隊成員。

  4. 2019年6月28日 · 歌手王嘉爾(Jackson)是韓團GOT7的成員之一,唱跳實力兼具外型又帥氣,吸引無數粉絲喜愛,近日突如其來被爆戀愛中,他又大動作按讚某位粉絲戀愛傳聞的留言,引起大眾議論紛紛。. 王嘉爾。. (圖/翻攝自王嘉爾IG). 王嘉爾被爆有女朋友後,馬上有 ...

  5. 2023年1月9日 · Jackson Wang wants to find a girlfriend before he turns 40, and there's a well thought-out reason behind it. In an interview with TVB, the 28-year-old artiste was asked if he has any intention...

  6. 2022年12月8日 · During the interview, host WOODY first asks Jackson if they can talk about love, and his confidently responds, of course, much to the excitement of the audience. Jackson then admits he wants to date but his mind is the reason he has issues sometimes.

  7. 2022年2月22日 · Rumors that GOT7 member/solo artist Jackson Wang is dating (G)I-DLE member Yuqi is becoming a heated search topic on Weibo! According to SNS reports on Weibo, (G)I-DLE's Yuqi was spotted...

  8. 2022年2月23日 · Singer Jackson Wang has denied rumours regarding a romantic relationship with fellow K-pop idol and (G)I-DLE member Song Yuqi.

  9. 2022年2月22日 · Recently, GOT7‘s Jackson (Wang Jia Er) was swept up in dating rumors with girl group member, (G)I-DLE‘s Yuqi. A paparazzi in China had caught her going to and from his apartment complex, allegedly in a car driven by a driver employed by Jackson.

  10. 2022年2月22日 · The good-looking artist was supposedly seen spending the night with none-other than (G)I-dle member Song Yuqi (宋雨琦). Today (22nd February), paparazzi “刘大锤” released a video of the duo supposedly meeting up at Jackson’s house.