雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年3月13日 · Interestingly enough, in the service vehicles (such as the police car pictured above), Takara Tomy even included Japanese details, such as the cherry blossom police logo and Japanese prefectures on the sides of the door.

  2. 2021年12月22日 · 「熊手」其實就是用竹子做的竹耙子,長長的桿子前頭有傘狀的竹片,這些竹片前端彎曲,宛如熊的手掌一般,而被稱為「熊手」。 熊手從古至今多作為農業器具使用,到了平安時代末期,則出現了在竹片前端裝上金屬製的鉤爪,作為攻擊武器之用。 過去的農業社會,農作豐收就是最值得慶祝的事,也因此農作專用的熊手被視為吉祥物(緣起物),同時熊手能一把抓取物品,也被視為好運一把抓,演變至今,成為祝賀商運亨通的專門吉祥物。 華麗多變的熊手. 吉祥物熊手的型態主要分作兩種: 傳統直立式 (右)與 放置式 (左)。 傳統直立式就是在竹耙子上擺上各式代表好運的裝飾物品,需要另外以繩子或專用裝飾台輔助才能立起,放置式則是將竹耙子改為裝飾台,方便擺放。 每個裝飾都是好運.

  3. 2018年1月17日 · Namakura Gatana, a silent short anime from 1917, is regarded as the oldest piece of Japanese animation with a surviving print, and using it as a starting point for the medium, makes anime 100 years old. In celebration, the Association of Japanese Animations has released a 15-minute video that looks back on landmark Japanese animated works.

  4. Cars Japanese Winter. When traveling around snowy regions in Japan by car, you'd better prepare your vehicle in advance to survive scary road conditions and frosty weather. Check out our to-do list before departing for snow-covered lands such as Hokkaido, Tohoku and Hokuriku.

  5. 2016年8月29日 · More trickery is revealed as two of the thieves are really police informants and Kozo's suicide, in order to set things right, is considered one of the most famous in kabuki, as it incorporates a very elaborate stage trick involving the roof he's standing on at the time.

  6. The Takara Tomy toy company is getting ready to sell new RC cars in its Drift Package Nano series. Each car is approximately 1/42-scale to its real-life counterpart. The key feature behind these new cars is their unique drifting functionality.

  7. 2016年3月3日 · 那么究竟是什么样的改动呢? 原来他们邀请了著名设计师水户冈锐治作为设计顾问,把列车和站台都进行了大改造。 草莓电车. http://minkara.carview.co.jp/userid/398467/car/309832/2201986/photo.aspx. 线路的首次改造是2271F号列车。 2006年,经过了精心改造后的2271F号被命名为“草莓电车”,灵感的来源是贵志站附近的特产草莓。 全车从外到内,只有一个主题,就是各色可爱的草莓Logo。 http://photomita.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-82.html. 草莓元素渗透进电车的每个角落,大大的草莓,为你带来新年的祝福。