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  1. 2020年8月13日 · These inspirational "wishing you good health and happiness" messages can be shared on occasions when you want to express your sincere wishes for someone's well-being. Whether it's a birthday, a milestone celebration, a get-well message, or just an everyday reminder, these messages can be suitable for almost anyone, anywhere, and at any time.

  2. 2019年1月25日 · 1. Wishing you good wealth and prosperity! 過年最經典重要的一句話,一定就是「恭喜發財」啦! 英文可以這麼說:祝福好運到來、有個繁榮興旺的一年喔! 2. Wishing you a great and successful journey ahead! 祝你未來事業圓滿成功! 過了農曆春節就是豬年了,許多人才要開始大展身手, 新的一年,期待你的合作夥伴面臨新的挑戰,都能踏上成功旅途。 3. Wishing you good fortune and may all your wishes come true! 祝您財源廣進,心想事成! 金豬滿滿的時節,願對方豬年發財,想要的都能實現! 4.

  3. 2022年9月18日 · You might wish someone good health and happiness as part of a formal greeting. Or, if someone is sick or has recently had surgery, it of course makes sense to wish them good health as a way of wishing them a speedy recovery . You might also wish someone good health as a way of ending or beginning a formal email.

  4. 2023年12月22日 · How to Say ‘Wishing You Good Health and Happiness’ on Someone’s Birthday? Wishing you a birthday filled with good health and happiness! May your special day be abundant in health and joy! Here’s to a birthday overflowing with well-being and smiles!

  5. special wishes to you at this special moment. wish you a good health, endless happiness and a merry new year. 祝你身體健康 ,萬事如意,一年到頭心想事成。 may you good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the new year.

  6. “May you enjoy excellent health now and always.” This wishes good health both in the present and future, encompassing longevity and well-being. “Sending you my best wishes for good health.” Straightforward and sincere, this expression radiates warmth and genuine concern, making it appropriate for formal interactions. Informal Expressions:

  7. 2017年1月29日 · 身體健康. “Good health”、”best of health” 及 “longevity” 都可以表達健康、長壽安康之意。 Wish you the best of health in the new year.(祝你新年身體健康。 4. 笑口常開. 用英文講的話,可以 “joy/ joyful”、”happy/ happiness” Hope that happiness will always be with you.(希望你永遠幸福快樂。 5. 心想事成/萬事如意. “Success”、”fruitful”、”fortune”、”luck” 等字眼都有祝願對方成功、好運嘅含意。

  8. Wishing you good health, love, and happiness in abundance. Hoping the best of luck always finds its way to you. May you find inspiration and fulfillment in everything you do.

  9. When it comes to formal ways of expressing good health wishes, it’s essential to maintain a respectful and polite tone. Here are some options you can consider: I wish you good health. This straightforward expression effectively conveys your sincere desire for the person’s well-being. May good health be with you.

  10. This article will show you how to wish someone well in Chinese. First, you could start with “ 祝你 zhù nǐ ” when wishing someone well, which means “I wish you...”. For example, “ 祝你生日快乐 zhù nǐ shēnɡrì kuàilè ”. And here are some types of wishing situations. Wishing a Happy Birthday.