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  1. 4 天前 · 渣打銀行得隨時變更或取消各項服務。. 您可以聯繫專屬客戶關係經理,您亦可透過電話銀行、親臨分行,或是利用您所在國家的渣打銀行網頁,瞭解您目前享有之服務項目。. 部分國家可能並未提供特定之跨國服務或優惠,且必須遵守當地法律規範。. 所有費用 ...

  2. 3 天前 · Manage your global banking needs with ease across our network with international funds transfer & payments, mortgage, investments and children's education. 请注意: 各个国家与地区的「优先理财」资质要求有所不同,具体资质要求请参见当地的服务条款与

  3. Standard Chartered SME Banking's Straight2Bank online banking service offers a customisable suite of user-friendly tools for cash management, local and international payments, trade and payroll transactions and foreign exchange transactions and more.

  4. Should you have any suspicion, please contact our staff at 2886-8868 (press 2-6-0) to authenticate the identity of the caller or sender, or report to Police immediately. Please click here for more information. Be cautious of “Stooge Account” to avoid money laundering – Criminal syndicates would offer the benefit of making quick money and ...

  5. 解讀“跨境理財通” - Standard Chartered

  6. Helping people and businesses prosper around the world. Learn more about Standard Chartered, our history and our values. Asia, Africa and the Middle East are home to the world’s most dynamic markets. And with a 170-year history in these regions, we can help

  7. 2022年4月27日 · 2022年4月. 今年以來金融市場氣氛詭譎正當眾人飽受通膨苦果美國聯準會頻頻放鷹之際俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭加上Omicron變種病毒肆虐這些大環境的變動不但改變了你我的生活也更凸顯了著重於長期永續的ESG概念對投資的重要性。 俄烏戰爭加劇通膨 經濟逆風吹起. 俄烏戰爭絕對是近期投資市場最大的黑天鵝,渣打銀行財富管理處投資策略部主管劉家豪表示,面對愈來愈嚴厲的西方制裁動作,原本因為疫情造成的供應鏈中斷狀況將更為加劇,由於俄羅斯及烏克蘭均為全球重要原物料與農產品生產國,俄烏戰爭已造成相關商品價格飆漲。 包括Fed與主要國家央行為了抑制飆升的通膨所祭出升息等緊縮措施,是現階段全球經濟面臨的最大風險。

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