雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 昂坪360推出新的360海陸空全日通. 昂坪360推出了新的“360海陸空全日通”優惠,擁有此優惠,你可以任意玩遍大嶼山的每個角落,從昂坪天壇大佛,到綠樹叢蔭的 [...]

  2. 香港一日遊. 如果你只有一天的時間在香港,不妨考慮一下我們以下的建議。. 香港雖然不大,但是還是有很多經典的景點的。. 所以這一日游可不會輕鬆,出行前記得穿一雙舒服的鞋,不要忘記了拿上相機。. 香港的天氣多變,記得帶上一把伸縮傘,下雨擋雨 ...

  3. 花墟(Flower Market),顧名思義是以售賣花草盆栽,園藝工具等為主。. 這裡地方不大,但是卻是在香港大名鼎鼎的 [市集]之一。. 許多名人,例如周潤發,周星馳,德華也都前來花墟買花。. 就算不買,來這裡看一看花墟各種美麗的花卉,也會讓人心情舒暢 ...

  4. 其他人也問了

  5. ABOUT THIS BLOG We are living in Hong Kong and trying to share our love and passion about this beautiful city through this blog. We also provide customized Private Walking Tours and aim to show you a real Hong Kong with not only the highlights known by tourists but also her own stories and secrets.

  6. The Tai O Fishing Village on west Lantau Island is famous for its traditional Chinese stilt-house community on the water and is considered as “Venice of the Orient”. Due to its vicinity to the Big Buddha and Ngong Ping 360 Cable Car, it becomes the beloved destination among tourists in recent years.

  7. Ocean Park Hong Kong opens the new “Thrill Mountain” on 9th of December, including five crazy new rides, eight game booths and food outlet.

  8. Friends and people have been asking us where to go and what to see and where not to spend too much time on. Answering these kinds of questions can be sometimes very challenging and there is no single valid answer to them. Here are some sample itineraries on how to plan your limited time in Hong Kong.

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