雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Apple leadership biographies include Apple’s executive team responsibilities and experience. Learn more about Apple’s leadership team.

  2. Isabel Ge Mahe is Apple’s vice president and managing director of Greater China, reporting to CEO Tim Cook and COO Jeff Williams. Isabel provides leadership and coordination across Apple’s China-based team.

  3. 友成企业家扶贫基金会副秘书长李佳琛说:“人的全面发展,是最大的公益。. Apple 与友成企业家扶贫基金会在 ‘Today at Apple 创想营北京’ 项目中,共同关注青年打工者群体,为青年人提供了近距离接触新奇有趣的思想理念、科技艺术的机会,帮他们打开了一扇 ...

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  4. Craig Federighi is Apple’s senior vice president of Software Engineering, reporting to CEO Tim Cook. Craig oversees the development of iOS and macOS. His teams are responsible for delivering the software at the heart of Apple’s innovative products, including the user interface, applications and frameworks.

  5. 李衡使用 Logic Pro 内置的杜比全景声工具创建身临其境的空间音频混音效果。 回顾本次拍摄过程,两位导演自始至终对 iPhone 交付的素材充满信心,并称其为极佳的影像设备。

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  6. 该系统包括一颗焦距为 13 毫⽶的超⼴⻆摄像头,同时其也可⽤于微距摄影,从而解锁更多独特视角;一颗原⽣焦距为 24 毫⽶的主摄,另提供 28 毫⽶和 35 毫⽶的焦距选项供切换;强大主摄同时也带来了焦距为 48 毫⽶的 2 倍⻓焦;一颗在 iPhone 15 Pro 上焦距为 77 毫 ...

  7. iPhone 12 Pro 和 iPhone 12 Pro Max 经过精心设计,出众的软件和硬件配合得天衣无缝,让用户能在全球各处畅享先进的 5G 体验。. iPhone 上的 5G 带来极速的上传和下载体验,轻松在线观看高清视频,在线游戏体验更为敏捷流畅,app 的使用可以做到实时互动,还能体验 ...

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