雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 這位南非籍騎師於1990年來港發展,旋即取得佳績,深得本地馬迷擁戴。 他曾先後為兩位傑出練馬師愛倫和大衛希斯擔任馬房主帥;在港策騎12個馬季期間,曾七度榮膺冠軍騎師。 自1990至2001年,合共贏得671場頭馬。 他經常夥拍的頂級賽駒包括「翠河」、「活力先生」、「百勝威」、「奔騰」和「原居民」。 香港與南非兩地馬圈之間一向合作愉快,最初是南非騎師雷誠於1980年代來港策騎,其後由馬佳善進一步鞏固這個合作關係,繼而由高雅志和韋達接棒。

  2. 計算足球過關注項的派彩及淨回報

  3. Chinese residents only began owning horses in 1926, after they were admitted to membership of the Jockey Club. In 1929 Ho Kom-Tong became the first Chinese owner to win the Hong Kong Derby. By 1934 it was estimated ...

  4. 馬會公司發展事務執行總監麥建華先生今天聯同油尖旺區議會主席鍾港武先生及署理油尖旺區民政事務專員盧巧慧女士主持開幕禮為活動揭開序幕。 馬會百多年來植根香港,既成為香港人生活一部份,亦見證了不少大時代變遷,與香港憂戚與共。

  5. 為你介紹本會各項賽馬平分彩金彩池、固定賠率投注種類、投注方式及步驟,讓你體驗賽馬博彩的樂趣。 常見問題 | 聯絡我們 ...

  6. Born on 12 July 1957, Ricky was a contemporary of Tony Cruz in the first- ever class at the Beas River Apprentice's School in the early 1970s, although he did not enjoy anything like Cruz's success in the saddle. For Yiu it was ...

  7. Connect with customer by team spirit Dept(s): Cashbet Name(s): Sally Lam, Eugene Chan, Ken Sin, Alex Chow, Gary Wong, Kevin Kwan, Annie Tung, Cheng Hing Fong, Hui Sik

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