雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Hong Kong will celebrate 2023 Mid-Autumn Festival with Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance as well as in Victoria Park, Pok Fu Lam and Lee Tung Avenue.

  2. A complete guide on harbour tour or boat tour in Hong Kong. From Aqua Luna, Dukling, Star Ferry, large cruise, yacht to sampan boat ride, which is the best to enjoy Victoria

  3. 想象一些100只表情不同的多啦A夢排隊站在海港城前,是不是很壯觀呢!平時你要耐著性子100集的動畫片才能看到100 個不同的法寶呢! 而多啦A夢中最經典的三個場景也會在此次展覽中展出,包括“懷念嫲嫲的真摯回憶”,“多啦A夢臨別大雄的晚上”和 ...

  4. 升旗儀式到底值不值得去呢? 如果你習慣早起,又想體驗一下香港不一樣的儀仗表演,你可以考慮看看。 雖然只有短短10-15分鐘時間,但是好在這個時間,金紫荊廣場幾乎沒有甚麼遊客(平日),完了升旗儀式,你還可以不受干擾的留影紀念。

  5. MACAU. Plan your trip in Hong Kong with our tips or enjoy a Guided Walking Tour with our insiders.

  6. First LINE Friends Store opened in Hysan Place in Hong Kong’s popular shopping district Causeway Bay with exclusive merchandises.

  7. 天壇大佛位於香港大嶼山昂坪,面北背南,是世界上第二大的室外坐佛,和昂坪360纜車,昂坪市集和寶蓮禪寺毗鄰。

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