雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 深度日本 夏日活動 日本文化. (:秋田縣雄勝郡羽後町的「西馬音內お盆踊り」). 每到8月,日本的公司都會有一個夏日假期,神奇的是,這個假期在日曆上看不到,但是人人都知道。. 這麼神秘的「お盆」假期到底源於怎樣的一個節日呢?. 又每年盛夏,在 ...

  2. 2017年11月2日 · 8 Gorgeous Japanese Lantern Festivals. Japanese lantern festivals are held to ward off evil or send off the dead, or just to warm up a chilly winter. Some date back centuries, while others are recent innovations. Whatever their provenance, they are a spectacle to behold!

  3. 【簡單】乘坐公共交通工具前往的景點. 治愈系風景! 大分縣「別府溫泉蒸汽展望台」 鐵輪溫泉的蒸汽、雄偉的鶴見岳、隨著四季不斷變換色彩的扇山。 站在這座展望台上,可將這些景色一覽無餘。 為了能讓您更好的了解蒸汽和山景,這裡設有簡單易懂的景點介紹銘牌。 別府的這座溫泉蒸汽展望台被NHK評選為「21世界最想留存下來的日本風景」第2名,僅次於大家熟知的富士山。 入夜後,站在這裡也能將燈火點綴下的街道盡收眼底。 地址:別府市鐵輪東8組(Royal Town大觀山) 交通:別府站東口乘坐專線巴士在「貴船城」下車步行約10分鐘. 官網: http://taiwanese.beppu-navi.jp/ 大分縣「由布院」寧靜的田園風景和馬車. 在日本,從1975年開始,就有了街頭攬客的馬車。

  4. 2017年12月7日 · Here at All About Japan we selected some of the most famous, mysterious and creepy stories surrounding Japanese temples and shrines. 8. Sogenji Temple (Tokyo) http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/rtfdf648/15771442.html. If you’re familiar with Japanese mythology and folklore, you surely know about the kappa.

  5. 2016年8月8日 · Whereas vampires, werewolves and mummies are favorites for Western Halloween costumes, the Japanese have a large menagerie of creatures unlike anything you’ll find anywhere else. The yokai go back a long way, whether imported from ancient Chinese mythology or mentioned in folk tales over a thousand years old.

  6. 2017年4月21日 · 15 Unique Festivals Only Found in Japan | All About Japan. sanpai-japan.com. Looking for a truly delightfully unusual experience while in Japan? We’ll show you some of the most interesting and unique festivals in the country, perhaps even the world. You can only find these festivals in Japan! What is 'Matsuri?'

  7. 2019年5月31日 · Itsukushima Shrine, located on the sacred island of Itsukushima—commonly known as Miyajima—in Hiroshima Prefecture, was added as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996.