雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 東亞搬運擁有豐富的唐樓搬遷經驗,由於香港大多數的唐樓沒有安裝電梯而且樓梯的設計相對一般住宅狹窄,所以每當搬運大型傢俬的時候,例如雪櫃、衣櫃、梳化等,就需要更多的人手和時間來確保搬遷物件時的安全。 為了保障好物件的完整性,找專業且可靠的東亞搬運幫忙是您最好的選擇。 據了解,大多數客人對於唐樓搬遷的價錢會比較在意,始終唐樓搬遷需耗用的工時和人手會比一般住宅較多,所以價錢浮動幅度亦相對較大。 對此,東亞提供一站式報價服務,顧客可利用我們網站的網上即時報價,填好搬遷資料後,例如層數,物件數量,地址等,便可馬上知道搬遷所需的大約報價。 當網上報價完成後,我們的客戶服務員會向客人預約了解搬屋情況,和提供最好的搬遷方案給客戶參考,絕不會在報價過程中收取附加費用。 村屋吊運.

  2. EA Moving and Packing Ltd is a moving company which provides the most professional advice and moving services to our respected customers. From moving house, office moving company to industrial building relocation, our services are all over Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories. We differentiate ourselves to the market that we do not only support relocation services, more importantly ...

  3. www.eamovers.com.hk › app › index東亞搬運

    網上報價. 包裝物料. 東亞標準. 東亞搬屋回收紙箱特別事項. 1. 當紙箱用完後, 請致電本公司來回收, 必定於通知當天或第二天來回收。 2. 因本公司客戶眾多, 司機要因應當天行車路線, 才能確定時間。 3. 等待回收之紙箱的確會佔用客戶寶貴地方, 所以敬請客戶能將紙箱放在門口位置, 走廊及電梯口及大堂管理處,如客戶不在家, 我們會將按金轉賬你或放入信箱。 4. 最好可以在紙上面上貼上便條"請勿拿走,儘快回收"。 5. 本公司只需回收紙箱, 而其他包裝物料未用過我們都需要回收, 紙箱數量只需有8-9成便可。 6. 如客戶己將紙箱放在門口, 但因被其他人仕取走, 本公司亦將會按金退回戶客戶。

  4. EA Moving and Packing Ltd is a moving company which provides the most professional advice and moving services to our respected customers. From moving house, office moving company to industrial building relocation, our services are all over Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories.

  5. EA Moving and Packing Ltd is a moving company which provides the most professional advice and moving services to our respected customers. From moving house, office moving company to industrial building relocation, our services are all over Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories. We differentiate ourselves to the market that we do not only support relocation services, more importantly ...

  6. Please choose the Shelf/Wooden shelf/Aluminum shelf that you would like to relocate or discard:

  7. Package C: 3 bedrooms, 601 - 1000+ sq feet: 35 carton boxes, 12 clothing plastic bags and 3 storage trolleys.