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  1. 3hk 5g plan 相關

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  1. 目標三年網上儲蓄保險計劃. (手機銀行投保) 了解更多. 計劃特色 快閃優惠 基本投保條件 說明例子 手機投保教學. 報價及申請. *年度化保證回報率取決於您所選擇的保單貨幣及保費繳付模式;上述所示為最高年度化保證回報率,並已包括首年保費折扣。 詳情請參閱產品小冊子。 其他網上人壽保險產品. 目標三年網上儲蓄保險計劃結合儲蓄及人壽保險,只需繳付2年保費可享3年保證回報率高達4.50%。 手機網上投保簡單方便,助您達成儲蓄目標。

  2. 睿昇五年期保險計劃II」(「本計劃」)是一個兼具理財增值及壽險保障的保險計劃當保單滿期時提供保證期滿利益助您達到理財目標。 2年繳費1,享5年人壽保障. 5年期滿時獲享 高達4.28%年度化保證回報率2. 三種保單貨幣選擇:港元 | 美元 | 人民幣. 免除醫療核保. 靈活保費繳付模式:月繳 3 | 年繳 3 | 按年繳交及保費預繳 4. 手機投保,方便快捷. 註:有關本計劃的詳情及主要風險,請參閱產品小冊子及保單條款。 首年保費折扣優惠. 由即日起,成功經中銀香港手機銀行投保本計劃,即有機會享有 首年保費折扣5優惠 (「本優惠」),詳情如下: 保證回報率因應您所選擇的保單貨幣及保費繳付模式而有所不同,按首年保費折扣 5 的情況計算,詳情如下: 註:本優惠須受條款及細則約束。

  3. “Rise Insurance Plan II (5)” (the “Plan”) integrates financial management and life protection in one. It provides guaranteed maturity benefit and helps satisfy your savings goal with ease. 2-year premium payment term 1 with 5-year life protection

  4. This page is issued by Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited. Its contents have not been reviewed by any regulatory authority in Hong Kong. iTarget 3 Years Savings Insurance Plan combines savings and life protection, up to 4.50% annualized guaranteed return after 3 years by only paying 2 years premiums.

  5. Target 5 Years Insurance Plan Series let you enjoy 5 years of comprehensive life protection and achieve your wealth management goal in 5 years by paying premiums for just 2 years. The plan provides you with 3 choices of policy currencies, including Hong Kong

  6. Target 5 Years Plus Insurance Plan 精選目標五年保險計劃 | 儲蓄保障|~|/tc/insurance/life/endowment/target5yrsplan.html 精选目标五年保险计划 | 储蓄保障|~|/sc/insurance/life/endowment/target5yrsplan.html

  7. Target 5 Years Insurance Plan Series let you enjoy 5 years of comprehensive life protection and achieve your wealth management goal in 5 years by paying premiums for just 2 years. The plan provides you with 3 choices of policy currencies, including Hong Kong