雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 在這裡你會看到香港最市井的一面。市集一般都有小的商店,更多的是小的攤位組成,你可以在這裡買到幾乎所有的小商品,例如服裝,手袋,古董,玉器,花卉,金魚,電子產品,日常生活用品,玩具,甚至情趣用品等等。如果你想找一些特別的紀念品,去市集看看就對了。如果你有興趣,可以在 廟街夜市 找一個算命師傅看看你的手相或者面相,或者讓可愛的小鳥幫你佔上一掛。. 如果你有運氣,在夜幕降臨之後,你可以會碰到街坊們在街市附近表演粵劇。如果你想買服裝,手袋,日常用品和紀念品,可以去 女人街 走一走。在廟街附近的 玉器市場 ,說不定能淘到不錯的寶貝。再不然,去 雀鳥花園 看看人們悠閒的拿著鳥籠遛彎,享受難得香港難得的恬靜。不要忘了嘗一嘗街上的地道小吃,像是臭豆腐,咖喱魚蛋,雞蛋仔和格仔餅,都值得一試。.

  2. 2012年10月31日 · 不要忘記還有新推出的小童免費乘搭港鐵優惠。. 3-11歲的小童從2012年7月28日起至2012年12月30日止,在星期六,星期日和節假日可以憑小童八達通免費乘坐港鐵(包括東鐵,西鐵和地鐵),輕鐵和港鐵巴士(新界西北)。. 小童免費乘搭港鐵優惠. 需要留意的是享用 ...

    • Why Visiting The Victoria Peak (The peak)?
    • When Is The Best Time to Get Up to and Visit The Peak?
    • The Popular Attractions on The Peak – What Else Are There on Victoria Peak?
    • A Bit Story Behind The Peak

    If one says Hong Kong’s best attraction is her skyline, then Victoria Peak is one of the best places to enjoy the view. Victoria Peak is the highest evaluation of Hong Kong Island with an altitude of 552m (1,811ft). It is also known as Mount Austin and its Chinese name “Tai Ping Shan” literally means “Pacific Mountain Peak” or “Mountain Peak of Gre...

    Victoria Peak can be best enjoyed at dry and clear days – be it day or night. However, you need to be prepared that haze, mist, and fog can occur and limit and restrict your views. Even on sunny days, there is often a clear visible layer of Hong Kong’s air pollution hanging on top of the skyscrapers. Also you can experience low hanging clouds which...

    Peak Tram is not the only way getting up to the Peak. However, it is definitely the best. Not only because of the great city view, the fastest way to the Peak, but also due to its long history and...
    The Peak Tower sits at 396 meters above sea level. It is not only one of Hong Kong’s most stylish and modern architectural buildings, but also a complex of both leisure and shopping.It houses two o...
    The open-air Sky Terrace 428 is the highest outdoor 360 degree viewing deck in Hong Kong and located on the top of The Peak Tower with an altitude of 428 meters above sea level. Hence the number 42...
    Madame Tussauds Hong Kong opened in 2000 and is the first branch of the wax figure museum in Asia. Today’s Madame Tussauds provides 100 national and international lifelike wax figures that you can...

    Being the highest point on Hong Kong Island, Victoria Peak has been used as a natural signalling post for incoming cargo ships in the nineteenth century. During the early 20th century, it served as an exclusive residential area for expats only. The only way you could get up was by foot or by Peak Tram (since 1888). The foreign expatriates decided o...

  3. 山頂. 香港的太平山,又或者簡稱“山頂”,是香港所有旅遊景點中的必游之選之一。. 哪怕你在香港只有幾個小時的停留時間,也不能錯過上到太平山頂一覽美麗的維多利亞港,周圍的高樓大廈和連綿的山峰, . 山頂毋庸置疑是香港所有景點中最重要的一個。在 ...

  4. Clock Tower, as an icon of Hong Kong, is situated next to TST Victoria Harbour waterfront and was a part of former Kowloon-Canton Railway Terminus.

  5. A Symphony of Lights, or the laser show, is a nightly multimedia show involved 45 landmarks along Victoria Harbour. Check out where are the best locations to watch the laser show.

  6. 澳门. Search for: 香港十大最美的海滩. Search for: 和朋友分享:. FacebookTwitterReddit. 香港拥有大约40个公共海滩浴场,其中11个位于香港港岛区,其他的均在新界区和离岛区。许多优质海滩仅仅是一程巴士或者轮渡之遥。.