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  1. Job Seeker Salary Report 2023 Key Findings. 1. As of 1 March 2023, full-time employees had an average salary increase of 4.1%, the highest increase within these 3 years. 2. Among the 3,797 people survey, 61% of full-time employee received a pay rise, which is a significant increase from 53% last year. 3.

  2. 2023年薪酬報告重點摘要. 1. 截至2023年3月1日,全職打工仔平均人工加幅為4.1%, 為近三年錄得最高增幅 。 2. 喺3,797名受訪者中,61%的受訪全職僱員獲加薪,較去年的53%有顯著增長。 3. 人工加得最多嘅頭3位工種係:數據分析 (+9.7%), 數碼市場推廣 / 電子商務 / 社交媒體 (+7.3%)同資訊科技 (+6.6%)。 4. 76%受訪者獲發花紅或雙糧,較去年升4%,創四年新高。 5. 80%受訪者表示對新嘅機遇保持開放態度,較去年上升4個百分點。 6. 94%受訪者表示工作壓力未因疫情消退而改善,甚至認為壓力不減反增 。 下載2023年薪酬調查報告完整版. Hi HR / 老闆: 想知道最新薪酬數據及趨勢,以便籌備你嘅招聘大計? 下載完整版.

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  4. As always, the JobsDB Hong Kong C&B Report has the definitive guide to show you the way: Hiring plans and market expectations in 2024. Salaries and predicted adjustments. Structure of bonus and other benefits. This year, we’ve provided additional insights on job market trends on: AI’s impact on the job market. Frontline job market.

  5. Updated Daily. Instantly compare your current / expected salary to our Daily Updated database. It is Quick, Free, and Anonymous! Personalized. Personalize your settings by choosing one or more filers. Comparative. Compare your salary with market wages or benchmark your salary with your peers. Benefits. For Job Seekers.

  6. Amidst an ever-evolving landscape, how have salaries and bonuses evolved? What lies ahead in the realm of future employment? Drawing from the collective insights of over 3,391 employees, Jobsdb proudly presents the Jobseeker Salary Report 2024. This comprehensive report unveils salary indices and illuminates prevailing trends within the job market.

  7. Download our latest Hiring, Compensation & Benefits Report 2021. Definitive salary guide for recruitment plans. Review your salary and benefits structure. Latest salary index. A must-read for HR. Free download. Recruitment leader.

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