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  1. 2024年7月22日 · 鐵達尼號》(英語: Titanic)是一部於1997年上映的 美國 史詩 浪漫 災難 電影,由 詹姆斯·卡麥隆 創作、導演、監製、共同製作及共同編輯。 電影部分情節是根據1912年4月14日至15日的 鐵達尼號沉沒事故 改編,敘述男主角傑克(李奧納多·狄卡皮歐 飾)和女主角蘿絲(凱特·溫斯蕾 飾)以不同社會階層成員的身分在首航期間墜入愛河的故事。 卡麥隆對這部電影的靈感源於他對這起世紀災難的迷戀;他認為一個貫穿愛情和人類失落的故事,對於傳達災難的悲劇訊息至關重要。

    • Overview
    • Origins and construction
    • Maiden voyage
    • Final hours
    • Rescue

    The immediate cause of RMS Titanic’s demise was a collision with an iceberg that caused the ocean liner to sink on April 14–15, 1912. While the ship could reportedly stay afloat if as many as 4 of its 16 compartments were breached, the impact had affected at least 5 compartments. It was originally believed that the iceberg had caused a long gash in the hull. After examining the wreck, however, scientists discovered that the collision had produced a series of thin gashes as well as brittle fracturing and separation of seams in the adjacent hull plates, thus allowing water to flood into the Titanic. Later examination of retrieved ship parts—as well as paperwork in the builder’s archives—led to speculation that low-quality steel or weak rivets may have contributed to the sinking.

    Read more below: Aftermath and investigation: U.S. inquiry

    How many people died when the Titanic sank?

    The exact number of people killed is unknown. Original passenger and crew lists were rendered inaccurate by such factors as misspellings, omissions, aliases, and failure to count musicians and other contracted employees as either passengers or crew members. However, it is generally believed that of the ship’s approximately 2,200 passengers and crew members, some 1,500 people perished when the ship sank. According to the U.S. committee investigating the sinking, 1,517 lives were lost, and its British counterpart determined that 1,503 died. The crew suffered the most casualties, with about 700 fatalities. Third class also suffered greatly, as only 174 of its approximately 710 passengers survived.

    Read more below: Maiden voyage: Final hours

    Where is the wreck of the Titanic?

    In the early 1900s the transatlantic passenger trade was highly profitable and competitive, with ship lines vying to transport wealthy travelers and immigrants. Two of the chief lines were White Star and Cunard. By the summer of 1907, Cunard seemed poised to increase its share of the market with the debut of two new ships, the Lusitania and the Mauretania, which were scheduled to enter service later that year. The two passenger liners were garnering much attention for their expected speed; both would later set speed records crossing the Atlantic Ocean. Looking to answer his rival, White Star chairman J. Bruce Ismay reportedly met with William Pirrie, who controlled the Belfast shipbuilding firm Harland and Wolff, which constructed most of White Star’s vessels. The two men devised a plan to build a class of large liners that would be known for their comfort instead of their speed. It was eventually decided that three vessels would be constructed: the Olympic, the Titanic, and the Britannic.

    On March 31, 1909, some three months after work began on the Olympic, the keel was laid for the Titanic. The two ships were built side by side in a specially constructed gantry that could accommodate their unprecedented size. The sister ships were largely designed by Thomas Andrews of Harland and Wolff. In addition to ornate decorations, the Titanic featured an immense first-class dining saloon, four elevators, and a swimming pool. Its second-class accommodations were comparable to first-class features on other ships, and its third-class offerings, although modest, were still noted for their relative comfort.

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    Understanding the Titanic Disaster

    As to safety elements, the Titanic had 16 compartments that included doors which could be closed from the bridge, so that water could be contained in the event the hull was breached. Although they were presumed to be watertight, the bulkheads were not capped at the top. The ship’s builders claimed that four of the compartments could be flooded without endangering the liner’s buoyancy. The system led many to claim that the Titanic was unsinkable.

    Following completion of the hull and main superstructure, the Titanic was launched on May 31, 1911. It then began the fitting-out phase, as machinery was loaded into the ship and interior work began. After the Olympic’s maiden voyage in June 1911, slight changes were made to the Titanic’s design. In early April 1912 the Titanic underwent its sea trials, after which the ship was declared seaworthy.

    On April 10, 1912, the Titanic set sail on its maiden voyage, traveling from Southampton, England, to New York City. Nicknamed the “Millionaire’s Special,” the ship was fittingly captained by Edward J. Smith, who was known as the “Millionaire’s Captain” because of his popularity with wealthy passengers. Indeed, onboard were a number of prominent people, including American businessman Benjamin Guggenheim, British journalist William Thomas Stead, and Macy’s department store co-owner Isidor Straus and his wife, Ida. In addition, Ismay and Andrews were also traveling on the Titanic.

    The voyage nearly began with a collision, however, when suction from the Titanic caused the docked New York to swing into the giant liner’s path. After an hour of maneuverings to prevent the accident, the Titanic was under way. On the evening of April 10 the ship stopped at Cherbourg, France. The city’s dock was too small to accommodate the Titanic, so passengers had to be ferried to and from the ship in tenders. Among those boarding were John Jacob Astor and his pregnant second wife, Madeleine, and Molly Brown. After some two hours the Titanic resumed its journey. On the morning of April 11 the liner made its last scheduled stop in Europe, at Queenstown (Cobh), Ireland. At approximately 1:30 pm the ship set sail for New York City. Onboard were some 2,200 people, approximately 1,300 of whom were passengers.

    Throughout much of the voyage, the wireless radio operators on the Titanic, Jack Phillips and Harold Bride, had been receiving iceberg warnings, most of which were passed along to the bridge. The two men worked for the Marconi Company, and much of their job was relaying passengers’ messages. On the evening of April 14 the Titanic began to approach an area known to have icebergs. Smith slightly altered the ship’s course to head farther south. However, he maintained the ship’s speed of some 22 knots. At approximately 9:40 pm the Mesaba sent a warning of an ice field. The message was never relayed to the Titanic’s bridge. At 10:55 pm the nearby Leyland liner Californian sent word that it had stopped after becoming surrounded by ice. Phillips, who was handling passenger messages, scolded the Californian for interrupting him.

    Two lookouts, Frederick Fleet and Reginald Lee, were stationed in the crow’s nest of the Titanic. Their task was made difficult by the fact that the ocean was unusually calm that night: because there would be little water breaking at its base, an iceberg would be more difficult to spot. In addition, the crow’s nest’s binoculars were missing. At approximately 11:40 pm, about 400 nautical miles (740 km) south of Newfoundland, Canada, an iceberg was sighted, and the bridge was notified. First Officer William Murdoch ordered both the ship “hard-a-starboard”—a maneuver that under the order system then in place would turn the ship to port (left)—and the engines reversed. The Titanic began to turn, but it was too close to avoid a collision. The ship’s starboard side scraped along the iceberg. At least five of its supposedly watertight compartments toward the bow were ruptured. After assessing the damage, Andrews determined that, as the ship’s forward compartments filled with water, its bow would drop deeper into the ocean, causing water from the ruptured compartments to spill over into each succeeding compartment, thereby sealing the ship’s fate. The Titanic would founder. (By reversing the engines, Murdoch actually caused the Titanic to turn slower than if it had been moving at its original speed. Most experts believe the ship would have survived if it had hit the iceberg head-on.)

    Smith ordered Phillips to begin sending distress signals, one of which reached the Carpathia at approximately 12:20 am on April 15, and the Cunard ship immediately headed toward the stricken liner. However, the Carpathia was some 58 nautical miles (107 km) away when it received the signal, and it would take more than three hours to reach the Titanic. Other ships also responded, including the Olympic, but all were too far away. A vessel was spotted nearby, but the Titanic was unable to contact it. The Californian was also in the vicinity, but its wireless had been turned off for the night.

    As attempts were made to contact nearby vessels, the lifeboats began to be launched, with orders of women and children first. Although the Titanic’s number of lifeboats exceeded that required by the British Board of Trade, its 20 boats could carry only 1,178 people, far short of the total number of passengers. This problem was exacerbated by lifeboats being launched well below capacity, because crewmen worried that the davits would not be able to support the weight of a fully loaded boat. (The Titanic had canceled its scheduled lifeboat drill earlier in the day, and the crew was unaware that the davits had been tested in Belfast.) Lifeboat number 7, which was the first to leave the Titanic, held only about 27 people, though it had space for 65. In the end, only 705 people would be rescued in lifeboats.

    As passengers waited to enter lifeboats, they were entertained by the Titanic’s musicians, who initially played in the first-class lounge before eventually moving to the ship’s deck. Sources differ on how long they performed, some reporting that it was until shortly before the ship sank. Speculation also surrounded the last song they performed—likely either Autumn or Nearer My God to Thee. None of the musicians survived the sinking.

    By 1:00 am water was seen at the base (E deck) of the Grand Staircase. Amid the growing panic, several male passengers tried to board lifeboat number 14, causing Fifth Officer Harold Lowe to fire his gun three times. Around this time, Phillips’s distress calls reflected a growing desperation as one noted that the ship “cannot last much longer.”

    The Carpathia arrived in the area at approximately 3:30 am, more than an hour after the Titanic sank. Lifeboat number 2 was the first to reach the liner. Over the next several hours the Carpathia picked up all survivors. White Star chairman Ismay wrote a message to be sent to the White Star Line’s offices: “Deeply regret advise you Titanic sank thi...

  2. 鐵達尼號(英文: RMS Titanic )是一艘英國皇家郵輪,也是白星航運公司旗下的3艘奧林匹克級郵輪之一,在當時是全世界最大的海上船舶 [3],由貝爾法斯特 哈蘭德與沃爾夫造船廠建造,號稱「永不沉沒」 [4]、「夢幻之船」 [5]。

  3. 鐵達尼號英文: RMS Titanic)是一艘 英國皇家郵輪,也是 白星航運 公司旗下的3艘 奧林匹克級郵輪 之一,在当时是全世界最大的海上船舶 [3],由 貝爾法斯特 哈蘭德與沃爾夫造船廠 建造,號稱「永不沉沒」 [4] 、「夢幻之船」 [5]。 頭等艙 在設計上追求舒適和奢華的最高水準,設有健身房、游泳池、接待室、高檔餐廳和豪華客艙。 船上也有一臺高功率的 無線電報機,由 馬可尼無線電報公司 為乘客提供 電報 收發服務,以及鐵達尼號的航務通訊 [6]。 1912年4月10日,鐵達尼號展開首航,也是唯一一次的載客出航,最終目的地為 紐約。 部分乘客为當時世界上頂級富豪,以及許多來自英國、 愛爾蘭 、 斯堪的納維亞 和 歐洲 其他地區的移民,他們尋求在 美國 展開新生活的機會。

  4. 5 天前 · Titanic, American romantic adventure film, released in 1997, that centres on the sinking of the RMS Titanic. The film proved immensely popular, holding the all-time box-office gross record for more than a decade after its release.

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  5. 1997年12月19日 · 剧情简介. 故事講述傑克 (李奧納多狄卡皮歐 飾),一個四處為家的年輕人,在贏得牌局的賭注 (鐵達尼號船票2張)後,搭上了鐵達尼號,準備在新世界 (美國)開展新生活。. 一日在甲板散步時,意外解救了要跳船自盡的蘿絲 (凱特溫絲蕾 飾),進而認識一些上流社會 ...

  6. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › TitanicTitanic - Wikipedia

    RMS Titanic was a British ocean liner that sank on 15 April 1912 as a result of striking an iceberg on her maiden voyage from Southampton, England to New York City, United States. Of the estimated 2,224 passengers and crew aboard, 1,496 died, making the incident one of the deadliest peacetime sinkings of a single ship. [4] .