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  1. 2024年5月1日 · 6大影片串流平台價格比較. Cherie Man 2024年5月1日. 雖然Netflix近日加價,但不少人仍願意購買串流平台月費計劃,欣賞電影及電視劇。 不過到底哪間較抵? 哪間可以與朋友共享? 哪間有免費試用? 使用哪張信用卡付款最抵? MoneySmart 便為大家比較 Netflix 、 Disney+ 、 hmvod 、 Apple TV+ 、 Amazon Prime Video 及 HBO GO 的價格,以及提供各平台的優惠計劃供各位參考。 【免費登記MoneySmart帳戶 賺取SmartPoints兌換獎賞】 免費登記 ,透過不同活動賺取SmartPoints,在Rewards Store兌換心水產品,或轉換為現金並提取! 了解詳情. (向左拉看更多)

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  2. 2024年4月23日. MoneySmart為精明的你集合所有最新信用卡優惠,比較Netflix和各大串流平台月費和睇戲優惠,助你醒目慳錢,精明格價!

    • What’s New with Netflix Account Sharing?
    • Who Needs An Extra Member Slot For Netflix Account Sharing?
    • Get A 5% Netflix Discount with The Standard Chartered Smart Card
    • Frequently Asked Questions: Netflix Account Sharing
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    On May 25, 2023, Netflix released the latest account sharing guides, which require members who share accounts but don’t live together to pay extra. Alright, with this new policy rolled out, is Netflix account sharing still legal? A 100% yes. According to Netflix’s Terms of Use, “account sharing is for personal and non-commercial use only and may no...

    If you are sharing your Netflix account with someone who does not live with you, you may need to pay HK$28 per month for an extra member slot. This fee applies to account owners with Standardand Premium plans. A Netflix account under the standard plancan add 1 extra member slot, while the premium plan can add 2 extra member slots. The premium plan ...

    As always, MoneySmart has another great money-saving tip for you. For now, you can score a sweet deal of a 5% discount on Netflix, Disney+, Spotify, and other online streaming services by paying the bill with your Standard Chartered Smart Card. If you subscribe to a premium plan with 2 extra member slots, it will be HK$149 (HK$93 + HK$28 + HK$28) i...

    How much does Netflix cost?

    Netflix is a monthly subscription service that will hit you up for cash once you sign up. You’ll get billed at the start of every billing cycle, and there are various plans you can pick from depending on how you roll, with prices starting from HK$63 to HK$149 depending on plan and extra member slots.

    Which Netflix subscription is the best?

    Netflix’s Premium Subscription Planis the ultimate ticket to Ultra High Definition (4K+HDR) content, available to customers on up to 4 simultaneous screens, including phones, tablets, computers, and smart TVs. It’s the top-tier plan for your streaming experience.

    Can I share my Netflix account?

    The account owner will need to purchase an extra member slot and then invite an extra member to use the extra member slot if they don’t live with you. And the extra member needs to be activated in the same country where the main account is set up. More than that, the extra member slot cannot be bundled into Netflix-included packages or third-party-billed accounts.

    Don’t know which streaming service to choose? Netflix, Disney+,or Amazon Prime? Check out our blog post Best Streaming Services Comparison in Hong Kongto find your best fit! Don’t know what to watch next on Netflix? Check out the latest Top 5 must watch shows on Netflix! Wanna stay ahead of the herd? Let’s check out the MoneySmart blog for more fin...

    • Anson Chiu
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  4. 2018年12月24日 · MoneySmart小編閒時亦愛在Netflix煲劇,當中不少是值得大家一睇再睇的經典劇集。 所以,今次即為各位讀者介紹當中4套。 如果大家還未申請Netflix,就一定要找來一張高現金回贈的信用卡申請啦。 第一套:老友記 (Friends) 永恆青春回憶. 《老友記》這套經典處境喜劇,是不少70後及80後的集體回憶。 即使劇情設定在90年代或00年代初,但圍繞著6位主角的情節,他們於生活及事業上的煩惱,對今天20多歲的年輕人而言,仍很有共鳴。 《老友記》每集都有令人爆笑的對白,連續追看10季,亦不覺悶,而且劇集簡單易明,適合拿來作英語教材。 via GIPHY. 第二套:IT狂人 (The IT Crowd) 笑中有淚的宅男共鳴. 如果大家從事IT工作,對《IT狂人》應有共鳴。

  5. 2024年4月1日 · 1. 自備飯盒. 上班族外出用膳一日都要花上$50至$80,如果工作地區在商業區就更加貴,這樣一個月下來起碼都要花費過千元在膳食上了。 不妨每天自備飯盒,不但價格便宜,還吃得更健康。 對於一直外出午膳的上班族來說,自備飯盒相信比較困難。 不妨嘗試逐少改變,由每周五天外出用膳,慢慢減少到三天,兩天等,慢慢一步一步做起。 2. 在家煮食與自備飯盒有異曲同工之妙。 疫情期間,不少人都已學得一門好手藝;與其天天買外賣、下班後與朋友出去大快朵頤,不如趁機重新掌廚,既可減少進食不健康的味精或高油高鹽,材料費用也比較划算,絕對是有益無害的節流方法。 朋友之間約會都可以由出外用膳改為一起在家煮飯仔,增進感情。 3. 避免情緒化購物. 「個個都買嘢,唔通個個真係想買嘢咩?

  6. 2018年2月14日 · Bobby Chan 2018年2月14日. Netflix 睇劇,是不少人生活的一部份! 按Netflix調查港人平均只需3日就看完一套劇集適逢新年幾天假期不想出街同人迫最適合留在家中煲劇如果你是初次接觸Netflix除了一般大路的 《Stranger Things》 (怪奇物語)和 《Black Mirror》 (黑鏡)外,也可以看看以下筆者推介: 推介1.《The End of the F***ing World》 (X你的世界末日) 故事簡介:此劇由漫畫繪本改編,講述沉默寡言的少年和渴望出走的女孩展開公路旅行,少年想在旅程中謀殺該女孩。 劇情晦暗荒誕也充滿戲謔味道,兩位主角怪雞得來也很特別,而且劇情節奏明快,只有8集,每集只有20分鐘,很快便追看完。

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