雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Asian-English cards are cards printed in English for distribution in Asia outside of Japan and Korea. They are distinguished from English cards printed for English regions mainly by the Yu-Gi-Oh! logo on the cards' backings and set packaging, and the region identifier "AE" in their set number...

  2. 游戏王卡组系列之一。. 首次收录于OCG补充包“DAWN OF MAJESTY(DAMA)1105”的XYZ召唤卡组系列。. 系列字段日文名为「軍貫(ぐんかん)」,TCG英文名为「Gunkan Suship」。. 怪兽统一为炎属性·水族,造型设计来自日本寿司和军舰。. 中文名: 【官译】 [简中] ?. [繁 ...

  3. このターンは自分フィールドの「古代の機械巨人」及びそのカード名が記されたモンスターの攻撃力が600アップする。 Korean 이 카드명의 ①②의 효과는 각각 1턴에 1번밖에 사용할 수 없다. ①: 이 카드를 일반 소환 / 특수 소환했을 경우에 발동할 수 있다.

  4. English. Banish 3 or 6 cards of your choice from your Extra Deck, face-down; for the rest of this turn after this card resolves, any damage your opponent takes is halved, also excavate cards from the top of your Deck equal to the number of cards banished, add 1 excavated card to your hand, place the rest on the bottom of your Deck in any order ...

  5. 《遊戲王》(遊 戯 王,ゆうぎおう;Yu-Gi-Oh!)是日本漫畫家高橋和希所創作的漫畫,並且依此為改編電視動畫與遊戲。 原作從1996年開始在週刊少年Jump連載,於2004年3月連載結束。單行本全38集,總共343話。並推出一系列的電腦遊戲、紙牌遊戲、電視動畫、動畫電影、輕小說等作品。

  6. 2 Level 8 monstersOnce per Battle Phase, at the start of your Battle Phase: You can detach 1 material from this card; negate the effects of all other face-up monsters currently on the field, also their ATK/DEF become their original ATK/DEF.During the Battle Phase, if you activated this effect this turn, each time an opponent's card effect resolves, this card gains 1000 ATK until the end of the ...

  7. English name (linked) Slifer the Sky Dragon +. Estonian name. Slifer , Taevalohe +. French lore. Les cieux se déchirent et le tonnerre gronde, annonçant la venue de cette ancienne créature, et l'aube du vrai pouvoir. +. French name. Slifer, le Dragon Céleste +.