雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 2024, 2025與2026年端午節. 端午節既是龍舟競渡的節日,為每年農曆五月初五。 親朋好友和家庭成員聚集一塊觀賞龍舟競渡和享用具有深層意義的粽子,但其實這節日有一段較嚴肅的意義。 屈原,中國偉大詩人之一,是戰國時代楚懷王的大夫。 由於其過人的智慧遭到他人排擠,其同僚謊稱他犯下莫須有罪行,致使他被流放,在絕望和悲憤之下,創作了許多悲憤的詩詞然後在61嵗時投河自盡。 由於屈原投河自盡后,楚國百姓乘船搜尋無果,造就了今日的龍舟競渡以紀念當時的失敗搜救,既是各隊必須到達終點旗,但在競渡開始前,必須為龍舟點睛,寓意活化。 當楚國百姓搜救無果,百姓們隨即在屈原投河自盡的地方投下用葉子包裹的飯糰以防止屈原的遺體被魚所食。 在無望救起屈原之後,葉子包裹飯糰被人民所食逐漸形成一種習俗。

  2. 228 Peace Memorial Day is a Taiwanese public holiday that serves as a memorial event for the 228 Massacre. 228 Peace Memorial Day occurs on February 28th each year. The holiday is called 228 because of its translation into English from Chinese date format.

  3. 台灣慶祝父親節的傳統習俗與世界各地相似。 其中包括為父親準備一頓飯、幫忙家裡活花園裡的活、一起去釣魚、送賀卡、禮物、糖果,或帶父親到外吃午餐或晚餐等等。 昔年.

  4. 1 天前 · Taiwan’s public holidays are provided for by the Ministry of Labor through the Labor Standards Act and its related Enforcement Rules. The Central Personnel Administration in Taipei regulates all non-working national holidays. Other branches of the government of Taiwan have been known to issue one-time national holidays.

  5. The Qingming Festival is a national holiday in Taiwan. Officially known as Qingming Jie, this festival is a traditional Chinese celebration set aside to honour departed family members.

  6. Mid-Autumn Festival, also called “Moon Festival”, is celebrated in Taiwan and elsewhere in East Asia to mark the fall harvest and, to some, to offer traditional worship to the moon. It comes on the 15th day of the 8th month of the Han Chinese calendar and falls on the full moon of either September or October on the Western calendar.

  7. Children’s Day is a national holiday in Taiwan. Children’s Day, celebrated annually on April 4, emphasises the importance of future generations and endeavours to promote their general well being. The day features a host of family friendly functions, fun activities and sporting events.

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