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  2. 2016年3月5日 · Why choose Piano Moving King ? Preferred Language/選擇語言. 搬琴王擁有最專業細心的鋼琴調音技師與搬運團隊,搬三角琴已有數十年經驗,還另有搬琴調音服務。 香港搬琴王是您香剛搬琴、搬三角琴的最佳搬琴公司首選。 電話:66779934.

  3. 2016年6月1日 · 我們的理念與承諾:. Preferred Language/選擇語言. 搬琴王(Piano Moving King)為專業搬琴公司,在香港地區已服務數百位鋼琴家。. 使用日本引進專業搬琴服務,一條龍從包裝、搬琴、存倉、到搬琴調音都有專業的鋼琴搬琴技師給您最貼心的搬琴服務。.

  4. 2016年3月6日 · Piano Moving Service. We have integrated a very successful Japanese method of logistics management, which heavily emphasized the logistical care for each piano and to ensure the maximum protection. We aim to remove all the hassle and stress from your logistical nightmare, and provide you with a peace of mind, warm-hearted service.

  5. 2016年6月22日 · Piano Moving King Logistics Co Ltd specialises in relocating and removing pianos. Based on our knowledge, love and passion with pianos, we are here to provide professional knowledge insight for each and every customer. Every customer will have a peace of mind on our piano moving service.

  6. 2016年2月1日 · Piano Moving King 搬琴王 |搬琴,搬三角琴的專業搬琴公司. 服務範圍. 一站式鋼琴服務,以您的鋼琴為重心,解決您的煩惱. 聯絡我們. 請填妥以下資料我們會盡快與閣下聯絡. 稱謂 * : 聯絡電話 * : E-mail * : 查詢服務 〈可選多項服務〉: 專業搬琴 鋼琴回收. 鋼琴存倉 鋼琴調音. 查詢內容: 為何選擇搬琴王? 服務範圍 一站式鋼琴服務,以您的鋼琴為重心,解決您的煩惱.

  7. 2016年3月6日 · Piano Trade-in. Do you have a piano that has been in your home for a long period of time, unused and hogging valuable space, and wasting your resources? Worried the thrift shop man will not give you a fair price, and are extremely unprofessional, untrained when moving the piano, which will cause damage to your home with the loss outweighs the gain.

  8. 查詢熱線: (852) 6677 9934 傳真: (852) 2332 2370 電郵: info@pianomovingking.com

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