雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年8月30日 · In fact, the Battle of Sekigahara is known as the largest battle in Japan’s feudal history, with an estimated 150,000 samurai warriors taking part. Despite the scale, however, the battle didn’t even last a day. Many of the warlords that belonged to Mitsunari’s camp had actually made secret agreements with Ieyasu.

  2. 2017年10月15日 · At the Japan Armored Battle League (JABL), you can finally find out! In this surprisingly moving video, JABL founder Jay Noyes explains how the JABL came to be, starting from his arrival in Japan as an English teacher and culminating with his founding of Castle Tintagel, a school of medieval European combat located near Mejiro Station in Tokyo.

  3. 2020年8月4日 · 同年9月7日,英国东印度舰队司令斯坦林格率4艘军舰来到长崎,10月14日,幕府与英国签署了《日和亲条约》,11月8日,俄国军舰来到日本,1855年2月7日,幕府又和俄国在下田签署了《日俄和亲条约》。 在日本被迫敞开国门的背景下,1856年,英国商人威廉·奥特来到长崎,找到阿庆,拿着茶叶的样品,提出要购买茶叶。 在《日美和亲条约》签署以前,也就是佩里舰队第一次来到日本的时候,阿庆就预见到将来可能和英美商人做贸易,将茶叶样品托付给荷兰商人,这就是阿庆的先见之明。

  4. 2018年9月22日 · 无路可退的江户幕府,为了避免挨打,只好与之签订了不平等条约《神奈川条約》,开放了两处港口。当然这只是开始。在那之后,日本与美国又签订了更为重要的《日美修好通商条约》,与“列强”美荷俄法签订了《安政五国通商条约》,其中规定了一大批新的开放港口、自由贸易和外国人居留 ...

  5. 2016年5月2日 · 多文化的交汇点——冲绳5城一瞥. 自古以来,冲绳以其独特的文化和地理位置,释放着与日本列岛其他地区不的光彩。. 冲绳的很多城堡既吸收的中华文化以及其他国家文化的韵味,又保持了日本大和民族的风格,堪称是多文化共生的典范。.

  6. 2016年8月15日 · After that, you'll draw your swords and act out a one-minute action scene like a real samurai! For those who want to enjoy a lesson with their friends and family only, it's possible to apply for a private lesson. For a group booking, along with a private lesson you'll get to watch a samurai show and experience throwing ninja stars.

  7. 2017年7月14日 · This performance got them into the semi-final round of Amateur Night, which will be held on November 15, 2017. After becoming popular with audiences in the United States, people in their home country of Japan recently sat up and took notice of the dancing duo, thanks to a new video called “Awaodori Tap.“. Awa Odori is a famous dance ...

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