雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. LATEST FROM BLOG. 2024年5月TVB節目《財經透視》訪問。 通過 WaiJacob 上 2024年5月27日. 在最近接受 TVB 採訪時,店主 Jacob 討論了實驗室培育鑽石和天然鑽石的未來發展趨勢。 讓我們深入探討一下訪談的要點。 實驗室培育鑽石與天然鑽石 實驗室培育的鑽石是在受控環境中使用先進技術製造的,複製了天然鑽石的培育過... Ideal 是什麼? 比GIA證書Excellent Cut好嗎? 通過 WaiJacob 上 2024年5月27日. 「我想要一顆1克拉G VS1的鑽戒,請問售價多少?

    • How Are Lab-Created Diamonds Made?
    • Lab Grown Diamond Benefits
    • What Colors Are available?

    Each laboratory-created diamond is grown by placing a diamond ‘seed’ into a chamber of heat and pressure. This chamber mimics the natural growing process. Crystallization occurs allowing the lab-grown diamond to mature within six to ten weeks. It is then cut, polished and graded by the same world-renowned labs that certify earth-mined diamonds. The...


    Our collection of lab-created diamonds are available up to IF in clarity, D in color, Ideal in cut, and up to 10 carats in size. They come in a variety of shapesincluding round, rose, emerald, cushion, oval, oval rose, heart, princess, trillion, and radiant. Colors include white, yellow, blue, pink, and green.


    Unlike other retailers, every Rooselle Jewelry lab-created diamond is Type IIa, the purest form of diamond. They are harder and more brilliant than Type Ia diamonds. Only 2% of earth-mined diamonds are of this quality. Furthermore, each diamond is graded and certified by the same leading independent gemological labs that are used to grade earth-mined diamonds.


    Lab-created diamonds cost up-to 40% less than their mined diamond equivalents. Buyers beware: keep an eye out for "grown diamonds" sold for a few hundred dollars per carat. If the deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Only diamond simulantsfall in this price range.


    A pure carbon diamond with no impurities will grade as a colorless diamond. However, the majority of both mined and lab-created diamonds contain impurities, most of which are nitrogen. The nitrogen atoms within the diamond lattice create the yellow tint. In cases of fancy colored diamonds, a pure yellow color is created. Nearly all diamonds, both mined and lab-created, start out as yellow diamonds. Over the span of millions of years and exposure to pressure and heat, mined diamonds split the...


    Roselle Jewelry’s yellow lab-created diamonds are optically, chemically and physically identical to yellow earth-mined diamonds, but are offered free of conflict and on average 10% of the cost. They are available in a color range from fancy yellow to fancy vivid yellow, in sizes up to 2.0 carats and a variety of shapes. Both mined and lab-created yellow diamonds get their color from nitrogen. While diamonds are made up of carbon, impurities within the stone exist. It is the introduction of th...


    Blue lab-created diamonds are optically, chemically and physically identical to blue earth-mined diamonds and are offered free of conflict and about 10% of the cost. They are typically offered in sizes smaller than 1.50 carats and come in a color range of fancy light blue to fancy intense blue. Both mined and lab-created blue diamonds get their color from boron. While diamonds are made up of carbon, impurities within the stone exist. It is the introduction of these impurities, in this case bo...

  2. 公主方形鑽石的深度和台面 – Roselle Jewelry. 公主方形切割鑽石. 自 1980 年代首次推出以來,公主方形切割在鑽石形狀中的受歡迎程度穩步上升。 目前, 公主方形剪裁是第二受歡迎的形狀 並且還在上升。 彈性款式,公主方形切割訂婚戒指 非常適合傳統和現代風格的粉絲。 公主方形切割鑽石的優點之一是 由於使用了獨特的切割和拋光技術,任何現有的夾雜物都不太明顯 。 公主方切工雖然隱藏了內含物,但也更清楚地顯示了顏色。 然而,通過適當的比例,這是可以避免的。 有趣的是,公主鑽石是一個很好的選擇,不僅因為它們閃耀著光芒,而且因為 它們往往成本較低 。 在切割公主方形時,由於切割過程,鑽石原石的損失較少。 事實上,公主方形切割鑽石是 最有效的切割形狀之一 利用原石重量的 60% 以上。

  3. 2022年9月27日 · September 27, 2022. In News 0 comments. 男士求婚常女方送上鑽石戒指,不過美國一名男士卻因此由訂婚變鬧分手。 男事主近日花費約16萬港元購買一枚3.6卡鑽戒女友求婚,對方最初欣然答應,但查看鑽石證書後卻因鑽石屬「實驗室培育」而悖然大怒,要求他退換成同價「天然鑽石」,否則會拒絕婚事及分手,並憤而搬回娘家。 一名30歲的男網民本周二(11日)在網上討論區「 reddit 」發文,表示自己上月購買一枚3.6卡鑽石戒指,交往5年的27歲女友求婚,對方當時一口答應,兩人均為邁向婚姻欣喜不已。

  4. 2019年6月27日 · Roselle Jewelry的人員大部分都是GIA校友成員,這是為什麼能夠充分掌握多數同行不認識的寶石及切割知識。能夠提供專業的銷售服務,不論是在線上,Facebook, Instagram,Whatsapp或者線下陳列室實體店。 Roselle Jewelry的銷售人員專業的鑽石及寶石知識能夠為你解決所有的疑問。 大大加強顧客選購的信心。 6.專業的網站安全風險管理: 一般的顧客不會分辨哪些網站是安全的,所以有些時候在輸入信用卡或個人資料會很容易被黑客入侵並且利用。 Roselle Jewelry的網站採用與銀行相同的EV SSL安全標識。 而這種標識只有正規的國際性的註冊公司並且不易被黑客入侵才會擁有。 並且為顧客提供高達20億港元的被盜用信用卡資料的損失保險。 7.多間陳列實體店:

  5. 關於COVID-19的抗流行病小貼士. 在冠狀病毒爆發期間護理學院提供了以下信息以向公眾提供一些抗流行病小竅門:. 我應該先摘下口罩還是回家時先洗手?. 如果年長者有抽血或接受診所預約,他/她應該參加嗎?. 在近期爆發期間,許多人對感染控制持謹慎 ...

  6. 2021年6月28日 · 「財經透視」專訪報道 – Roselle Jewelry. 2021年6月28日. で News 0件のコメント. 題目<尖石漲價>. 疫病之下,ダイアン石這s奢侈品的價格仍見上升,近期就有兩間ダイアン石開採商加價一成。 也成為抗通脹的投資產品呢? 早前Roselle Jewelry受TVB《財經透視》節目訪問提供保守石意見, . 作為全港首間售賣培育洋石及首間育培洋石批發商,責任者はどのように意見を提供する呢ですか? 有興趣のある読者は下面連結看足本版にログインできます:

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