雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年5月10日 · Called " Harry ," which is a play on harinezumi (literally “needle mouse”), the Japanese word for hedgehog, this café is located on the second floor of a new building in Roppongi, Tokyo, the site also houses a rabbit café called “Ms. Bunny” on the third floor.

  2. 福岡機場第一名伴手禮! 濃縮大海精華的海鮮仙貝. 1990年創業的山口油屋福太郎推出的「めんべい (menbei) 」可說是福岡伴手禮的定番。 使用北海道馬鈴薯,明太子、花枝、章魚等原料做成的仙貝,不論是混入福岡名產明太子的長年暢銷款,一打開包裝就有很香的魚介味道,會讓人忍不住一片接著一片吃。 此外,福岡機場限定口味,以九州甜醬油為基底,輔以雞肉與柴魚片等鮮美的風味,更是喜歡限定版的訪日常客不能錯過的新選擇;不擅長吃辣的朋友也有與明太子極為對味的美乃滋或洋蔥等高達10種以上的風味可供挑選。 價格:2枚8袋約540日幣~ 拌飯拌麵皆好用! 福岡超人氣的明太子鮪魚罐頭. https://www.facebook.com/fukuya.mentaiko.

  3. 位於高梁市的吹屋故鄉村,被認定為日本重要傳統建造物群保存地區,這裡曾因開採銅礦而興盛。 來到這座小山城,可見古老街道保存江戶時代的日本町家建築,紅色磚瓦展現日本傳統建築美學與精湛工藝,日本歷史最悠久的木造教室「吹屋小學」也在這! 推薦旅人造訪「弁柄陶藝館」,體驗在陶器上使用「弁柄(氧化鐵紅)」著色的趣味(需提前預約),還可購買以弁柄染色的披肩、帆布袋等作為伴手禮。 另外,期間限定的紅色復古巴士讓旅人可以盡情暢遊老街,沉浸於古民家的懷舊魅力當中。 吹屋故鄉村(吹屋ふるさと村 ) 交通:從JR「備中高梁」站搭乘巴士55分鐘,在「吹屋」站下車即可抵達. 桃太郎傳說舞台的日本百大名城|鬼之城. 來到岡山觀光,岡山市區內處處可見「桃太郎」的蹤跡。

  4. 2020年8月20日 · 7 Popular Insects in Japan. John Asano Updated August 20, 2020. Samurai Animals Insects Family. People in Japan both young and old love insects. Boys in particular are especially fascinated by them. Insects are seen as cool with almost hero-like status, which makes them popular pets.

  5. Japan is famous for its unique culture and history. Think temples, samurai and kimono. But did you know Japan is also rich in nature? Find out why wildlife watching should be on your to-do list for traveling to Japan! In fact, Japan’s culture evolved alongside nature and the two share an intimate relationship.

  6. 2017年8月19日 · The drone of the semi, or cicada, is the iconic sound of Japanese summer. They even have a different kind of buzz depending on the species. While you may hear them everywhere—even in Tokyo if there's so much as a single tree nearby—they're generally hard to spot unless you're specifically on the lookout for them.

  7. 2017年3月16日 · Traditions. Japanese Festivals: Hanami. Highlighting Japan Updated March 16, 2017. Festivals Cherry Blossoms Events. The practice of admiring the cherry blossoms is known in Japan as hanami —literally, "flower viewing."

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