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  1. 2017年10月16日 · Another way to get started teaching corporate lessons to professionals is through building a reputation and word-of-mouth. Perhaps one of your eikaiwa students wants to introduce you to the HR manager at their company, or maybe you currently have one-on-one lessons with the president of a company and they want you to bring your skills to their employees.

  2. 2021年4月8日 · 在日本進行就職活動到拿到內定(offer)時的步驟主要可分為下面六項,但其實無論現在的座標在哪,對於剛畢業或轉職的人來說,都很有借鑒價值。 1. 自我分析. 2. 行業與企業研究. 3. 自我推薦與應聘理由. 4. 投遞履歷(Entersheet) 5. 筆試. 6. 面試. 1. 自我分析. 比起盲目投簡歷找工作,日本提倡 先對自己進行剖析 的流程做法就顯得非常科學。 所謂的自我分析,指的是通過自己學生時代的專業和一些社會實習、打工等的經歷,來綜合評價自己的優勢和缺陷,來更好的定位適合自己的工作類型。 這其實是一個更深入了解自己和自我省察的一個過程。 在這個環節上,日本的很多專業求職網站會提供一些輔助的測試題目來幫你更好的了解自己。

  3. allabout-japan.com › enAll About Japan

    All About Japan and Japanese stuff! Find anime, music, castles, food, restaurants, videos, shopping, travel tips and more. New mega-feature every Monday! An Early Spring Spectacle: 10 Spots in and Around Tokyo for Plum Blossom Viewing Gardens Parks While ...

  4. 2.交通安全護身符. 這種護身符,叫做【交通安全符】。. 會庇佑旅途上的人們一路平安。. 本來這個護身符只是用在安全駕駛上,現在已經延伸到所有出行方式。. ANA日本航空還特別為制作了壹款藍色的護身符,因為藍色代表著天空。. 這款特製的護身符被專門 ...

  5. 2017年3月30日 · Second, since Japanese is written with no spaces between words, using kanji for vocabulary and kana for grammar (to put things in broad terms) makes it easy to see the components of a sentence. The sentence above reads: “Watashi ha kuruma wo mita,“ or “I saw the car,” with kanji (i.e. vocabulary) written in red and hiragana (i.e ...

  6. 2018年7月4日 · Japanese digital art collective teamLab, in collaboration with local urban landscape developer Mori Building Co. Ltd., has unveiled their awe-inspiring permanent digital art museum on June 21, 2018. The amazing light displays are housed in their very own building, spread out over two floors in a huge space in Tokyo’s Odaiba district. https ...

  7. 倉敷美觀地區曾是倉敷的政治商業中心,街道保留江戶時代的建築風格,融合日本傳統和西方現代元素。在白色磚瓦的歷史遺跡漫步,推薦品嘗倉敷品牌的清酒,白桃更是不可錯過的佳餚!倉敷也是日本牛仔布的起源地,這裡有日本第一家棉紡廠「倉敷常春藤廣場」,現在是結合餐廳與酒店的多功能 ...