雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 海洋公園佔地870000平方米,主要分為兩個景區海濱樂園和高峰樂園。 兩個部分由長1.5公里的登山纜車,世界最長的手扶電梯以及最新開放的海洋列車相連。 香港海洋公園入口. 在你抵達海洋公園之前,遠遠的就能看見門口有三個可愛的吉祥物金魚,小貓熊和綠鰐魚站在花壇中向你招手,讓人忍不住要飛奔過去和他們合影。 香港海洋公園大門前的吉祥物們. 海洋公園建築設計獨特,除了作為一個玩樂的公園之外,她還常常有各種教育性的展覽,擔任著教育中心的角色。 目前,海洋公園有超過40個景點,表演和機動遊戲。 如果你想玩遍走遍所有的地方,那麼準備好整整一天的時間吧。 怎樣安排在海洋公園裡的時間? 儘管香港海洋公園面積很大,基本上可以分為兩個部分: 海濱樂園(山下) 和 高峰樂園(山上) 。

  2. 香港海洋公園和香港迪士尼樂園是香港最大的兩個主題公園和遊客旅遊的必游之處。 由於運營成本不斷上升,以及這兩大公園在近些年都增加的很多遊園項目,他們最近都在考慮上調入場收費。

    • How to Arrange The Time Inside Ocean Park?
    • How to Travel Between Two Parts of Ocean Park?
    • Where to Purchase The Tickets?
    • Discounted / Cheaper Entrance Tickets For Everyone
    • Frequently Asked Questions

    Although Ocean Park is very large, basically it includes two parts: the Waterfront (on the foot of the mountain) and the Summit(above the mountain). Each part consists of aquariums, animal houses, animal shows, restaurants as well as amusement rides. There are many great choices in the Ocean Park that you should not miss out.

    There are two major means of transportation between the two parts of Ocean Park: the Waterfront (on the foot of the mountain) and the Summit (above the mountain): by cable car or by Ocean Express. Ocean Express: The latest fast and smooth way of travel. Ocean Express is designed to resemble a submarine. Unlike cable car, the Ocean Express Train can...

    You can purchase your tickets directly at the Admiralty MTR station or at the entrance of the Ocean Park. If you decide to book and order your tickets online, you also have the option to get the tickets delivered to your country by courier. The prices are: Adult: HK$ 480 Children (3-11 years): HK$ 420 Kids under 3 years of age are free. Updates:Fro...

    If you have planned visiting Ocean Park in your itinerary, there are still some ways to save money on entrance tickets. For enquires you can call +(852) 3923 2323 Most convenient way: Take MTR South Island Line to Ocean Park station. Alternatively, you can also take Citybus 629 which and take you directly to Ocean Park. There are two stations of Ci...

    Q: How long do I need to spend in Ocean Park? A: It is a very large theme park that if you want to visit most of the major attractions, we recommend you to prepare a whole day. Also don’t forget the time that you need to wait in line. Q: Where should I visit first, the Summit or the Waterfront? A: It depends. Both parts have some most popular attra...

  3. 為慶祝 香港海洋公園 35週年,海洋公園和香港港鐵聯合發行新的特別版的港鐵旅遊票。 包括:旅客全日通(港幣$ 55),小童遊客全日通(港幣$ 25),遊客過境旅遊票(分為港幣$ 85(1日)和港幣$ 120(2日))以及機場快線旅遊票(港幣$ 220-300)。

  4. 2011年12月8日 · 12月9日,香港海洋公園新的主題區[動感天地]隆重開幕。主題區包括5個驚險刺激的機動遊戲,8個遊戲攤位和小食攤。

  5. 海洋公园为庆祝35周年,开放新的景点“香港老大街”,你可以在这里感受许多香港旧时的记忆,包括天星码头,旧式黄包车,120号老爷电车,经典大戏院,还有英式的邮筒,英式的电话亭等。

  6. 香港海洋公園 再次迎來新的旅遊景點“冰極天地”,從2012年7月13日起,你可以在海洋公園見到可愛的企鵝和海象了。 這是繼2011年年底開放的“ 動感天地 ”和今年3月開放的“ 香港老大街 ”後,海洋公園再次推出的新景點。

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