雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年2月24日 · 住宿 深度日本. 选择在一个国家生活工作,没有安定的住宿环境可不行,身在海外时,住宿是你要解决的首要问题。. 由于日本有着很多独特的社会习惯和法律设定, 所以在找房子的过程中,要做好遇到困难的准备。. 正是针对这一点,本文旨在为大家总结下在 ...

  2. 2017年1月26日 · 入住日本旅馆时,应该做的和不能做的几件事. 从江户时代传承至今的日本旅馆,为了保持古朴而传统的氛围,早已形成了一些约定俗成的规矩和礼节。. AAJ为大家总结了一些在日本入住旅馆,民宿时的小常识,便于大家活学活用,免生尴尬。. 我们按日文的发音 ...

  3. 2023年2月20日 · The most interesting features of Japanese homes bring tremendous practical advantages. Most of these ideas make it possible to use space more flexibly. Some improve physical health and comfort. Yet others can enhance social interaction. Let’s take a look at several typical Japanese home features worth adopting regardless of where you live.

  4. 2019年3月18日 · Rainy Days Life in Japan Japan 101. flic.kr. When rainy season in Japan is in full-swing, the last thing anyone wants is to be caught in a downpour without an umbrella! And in a country with such high regard for manners, you also don't want to be caught unaware. Here are five tips to help you stay dry and avoid a rainy day faux pas. 1.

  5. 2017年11月17日 · Finally, the first-floor Tsuki rooms could very easily be called a home away from home as they flow out onto the balcony and garden, providing a cozy yet sophisticated setting.

  6. 洗手漱口處. 图:玉置神社. 神社入口基本上有一個水槽和帶柄的勺子,用來給參拜者洗手漱口用,這個地方叫做“禦手洗”。. 洗手漱口的時候按照以下流程:. 1.右手拿柄勺從水槽中取水沖幹凈左手。. 2.左手拿著柄勺沖幹凈右手。. 3.再用右手拿柄勺取水,將水 ...

  7. 2016年10月24日 · House parties aren’t common in Japan, and you’ll quite likely get a knock on the door from a friendly o-mawari-san (police officer) if things get out of hand. Have a sufficiently spacious local bar, izakaya (Japanese-style pub) or karaoke box in mind, and be prepared to suggest it as the nijikai (second party) when you feel the limits are ...

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