雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2WAY BOSTON BAG (L) The "HEAT" series combines two different materials with excellent durability and water resistance, and features a rugged and stylish design. Since the release of the 2001 A/W series, we have added items that match the lifestyle of the time, and have a rich lineup that can be used by a wide range of people, from business bags ...

  2. 2023年6月28日 · Reliable partner "HEAT" that can be used tough in every scene A bag that can be used on a daily basis, such as versatility that can be worn with any outfit, durability that can be used every day, and high functionality that can reach itchy areas, is something that ...

  3. #黑色. 關於禮品包裝. “HEAT (熱量) ”係列由耐用且防水的兩種不同材料組合而成,其粗獷時尚的設計極具魅力。 自2001 A/W係列發佈以來,不斷追加符合那個時代的生活方式的單品,同時備有從商務包到小物件等各種用途的豐富產品線。 主要面料使用了66尼龍線編織而成的日本產彈道尼龍,其耐熱耐磨耐撕裂,也用於汽車安全氣囊和防彈衣。 一部分使用了作為工業用材料的耐水性高的防水佈面料。 黑色的一種色調,不同質感的面料組合,打造出對比鮮明的時尚設計。 這款單品採用了PALS (脈衝/Pouch Attachment Ladder System) ,它處處加入了軍裝風格的噱頭,通過以一定間隔縫制尼龍帶,可以安裝化妝包和小物品。 為了能用鐵環或錢包鏈等搭配您現有的小物件,主體上還安裝了D形環或雙環。

  4. 商店限定顏色的“空軍藍”是以當時飛行套裝的顏色為基礎的圖案。經過多次反復試驗,終於再現了這款沉穩深沉的色調。與具有光澤感的尼龍長相結合,打造出獨特的面料感。<空軍藍色銷售店> ・PORTER flagship store ・PORTER STAND ・KURA CHIKA by

  5. M/M Parisとは. 1992年に「ミカエル・アムザラグ」と「マティアス・オグスティニアック」によって結成されたクリエイティブユニットです。

  6. WALLET. PORTER's representative series "SMOKY", which has been updated for 20 years since its release. The greatest attraction of the "SMOKY" series is the original fabric "Cordura Duck", which is packed with outstanding craftsmanship in each process from thread to weaving. Zimbabwean cotton is used for the warp threads, and uneven uneven yarn ...

  7. TOTE BAG. ビジネスシーンからカジュアルシーンまで「モバイル」をテーマにバラエティー豊かなアイテムが揃う「PORTER DRIVE(ドライブ)」シリーズです。. メイン素材はナイロンツイル生地を採用し、裏面には水滴が染み込むのを防ぐためPVC加工を施してい ...