雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. The Chinese Temples Committee has not authorized any third parties to conduct any commercial publicity, promotions or sales activities for its administered temples outside Hong Kong. 由於黃色暴雨警告及雷暴警告現正生效,原定於今天舉行的西貢佛堂門天后古廟

  2. 2024 ©Chinese Temples Committee. 取消西貢佛堂門天后古廟導賞團. 由於黃色暴雨警告及雷暴警告現正生效,原定於今天舉行的西貢佛堂門天后古廟導賞團將會取消,敬請見諒!. ×. 取消西貢佛堂門天后古廟導賞團. 由於黃色暴雨警告及雷暴警告現正生效,原定於今天 ...

  3. The Chinese Temples Committee has not authorized any third parties to conduct any commercial publicity, promotions or sales activities for its administered temples outside Hong Kong. 由於黃色暴雨警告及雷暴警告現正生效,原定於今天舉行的西貢佛堂門天后古廟

  4. The Chinese Temples Committee has not authorized any third parties to conduct any commercial publicity, promotions or sales activities for its administered temples outside Hong Kong. 由於黃色暴雨警告及雷暴警告現正生效,原定於今天舉行的西貢佛堂門天后古廟

  5. Large. Search. Back. Please refer to Traditionalor Simplified Chineseversion or contact our staff at 3718 6888. Links. Accessibility Statements. The Charities Trust. Tender Notices. Important Notice.

  6. 由於黃色暴雨警告及雷暴警告現正生效,原定於今天舉行的西貢佛堂門天后古廟導賞團將會取消,敬請見諒!. ×. 2024年天后寶誕特別開放時間. ×. 華人廟宇委員會 - 2024年觀音開庫特別措施. ×. 沙田車公廟 – 2024年農曆新年開放時間. ×. Introducton : Che Kung Hau Wong ...

  7. 資料庫 2013-14至2020-21年度「華人廟宇基金」撥款資助計劃撥款結果 獲資助活動 / 計劃名稱 獲資助機構名稱 資助金額上限(港幣) 2020-21年度 2021鴨脷洲洪聖傳統文化節 鴨脷洲街坊同慶公社 136,260 大澳汾流天后寶誕 大澳汾流天后聖母值理會 60,848 東頭村盂蘭勝會 東頭村盂蘭勝會有限公司 280,560 秀茂坪潮 ...

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