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  1. www.hkjc.com › home › chinese香港賽馬會

    提防可疑工作徵求. 香港賽馬會堅定致力於提供平等透明的招聘平台,求職人士可按需要 經本會渠道 申請工作。. 本會絕不會向任何申請者索取任何款項。. 詐騙集團亦會以高薪工作機會作招徠,吸引求職者誤墮騙局。. 如收到任何可疑的工作徵求,請立即電郵 ...

  2. 蔡俊佳. (Roland) 1999年起在報章撰寫馬經專欄,熟悉寰宇賽馬資訊。. 2011年起獲香港賽馬會邀請擔任越洋轉播賽事主持,今季將主持《聽日有馬跑》、《賽馬直擊》、《海外賽事攻略》以及越洋轉播,為大家帶來詳盡的賽事資訊。. 黃志康. 從小熱愛賽馬,曾任職 ...

  3. Members of the public aged 15 or above who have completed Form Three education, are hard working with a positive attitude, and have a passion for sport, are welcome to apply. The officials of the Apprentice Jockeys’ School and trainers will select talented applicants from riding and fitness tests in late July to attend the orientation camp.

  4. At the Hong Kong Jockey Club, we pride ourselves on a recruitment process that is transparent and fair. We strongly encourage all potential candidates to seek job opportunities solely through our official channels. We urge you to be alert to fraudulent activities that may ask for application fees or offer unusually high salaries.

  5. Form Line Report This report contains data from previous races in which the declared starters have run against each other and indicates changes in weights based on the best performing horse. Standbys are excluded. 1 Details of the Race : this refers to the details of the current race.

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  7. 東方表行董事總經理楊衍傑先生(右)及香港賽馬會賽馬業務及營運執行總監祁立賢先生一同為東方表行55 週年沙田錦標「時尚煲呔賽馬日」揭幕。 圖二: 一眾主禮嘉賓一同舉杯預祝東方表行55週年沙田錦標「時尚煲呔賽馬日」順利舉行。(左起)東方表 ...

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