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  1. During the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics Japan hopes to showcase these initiatives to the world by transporting large amounts of Fukushima-produced hydrogen to Tokyo and putting the spotlight on Japan’s hydrogen-society infrastructure.

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  2. With the goal of building a global supply chain that can produce and convey large quantities of hydrogen, procured from inexpensive resources anywhere in the world, two demonstration projects, subsidized by New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), are scheduled to launch in 2020.

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  3. 2015年11月11日 · There are nineteen waste incineration plants in the central part of Tokyo. For many people, waste incineration plants have a negative image, associated with dirtiness and air pollution. But with the latest technology, waste disposal methods are actually efficient and environmentally friendly.

  4. 自2011 年3 月11日東日本大地震重創福島地區,導致東京電力控股公司的福島第一核電廠(NPS)發生事故以來,該公司持續在推進廢爐工. 質對當地人民和環境造成的風險。這些. 努力現在正來到一個重大轉捩點。周圍海域的放射性�. 質濃度已充分降低,場址邊界�. 穿著常規工作服前往約96% 工學系研究科岡本孝司教授說道。回收燃料殘渣是該過程中最困難的挑戰之一,但教授表示,「有必要克服此�. 挑戰,以便進一步推進廢爐工作。」完成這項艱鉅任務的一個重要步驟是將經過ALPS處理的水排入大�. ,該步驟已於2023 年8月著手進行。ALPS處理水是指將含有來自福島第一核電廠建築物內部放射性物質的水,經過先進液體處理系統(ALPS)淨化和處理,直到除了氚以外的所有放射.

  5. Laos, a country of 6.7 million people, has been developing dramatically, with an estimated average economic growth rate of 7.67% over the past five years. But currently only about 20% of the population have access to safe piped water; in rural areas people depend on water from wells some of which may not be safe.

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  6. 2021年9月16日 · Japan has set out an ambitious plan to lead the world in decarbonization. What exactly is Japan’s Green Growth Strategy? The Fukushima Hydrogen Energy Research Field (FH2R), located in Namie Town in Fukushima Prefecture, is one of the largest production facilities of hydrogen from renewable resources in the world.

  7. The town has just one waste collection station. Local residents sort waste on their own into 45 categories. The system achieves a recycling rate of 81%. In January, the World Economic Forum (WEF) held its 2019 annual meeting, where leaders from around the world assemble to discuss global-scale problems, six of the seven co-chairs were young ...

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