雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Hong Kong Jockey Club. Among the top horses with whom he was most closely associated were River Verdon, Mr Vitality, Privilege, Oriental Express and Indigenous. He consolidated an ongoing, very successful relationship between Hong Kong and South African racing, begun by Bart Leisher in the '80s and continued by Felix Coetzee and Douglas Whyte.

  2. 牠在港首季先後由兩位練馬師訓練,第二季轉投愛倫馬房,愛倫為當時的冠軍練馬師,在馬壇上享負盛名。 他們從此結下不解之緣。 由愛倫訓練的首季,「原居民」攻下5仗,全部均為錦標賽事,包括香港金盃及冠軍暨遮打盃,因而成為當時評分最高的香港賽駒。 1998/99年度馬季,「原居民」再勝4項錦標賽,包括2400米香港國際瓶。 1999年夏季,「原居民」遠征英國,角逐2400米國際一級賽英皇錦標,結果取得第6名。 牠其後再接再厲,於同年11月在日本盃中勇奪亞軍,雖然未能獲勝,但對香港意義重大,因為牠證明了香港賽駒的實力已達到國際一級賽水平。 香港賽馬會125週年. 紀念馬票.

  3. Sir Phineas Ryrie, the first chairman of the Hong Kong Jockey Club in 1884, was also chairman of the General Chamber of Commerce and a Legislative Councillor from 1867 until his death in 1892. He originally came from Stornoway in the remote, far north of Scotland. He was one of three brothers famed for their connection to the China trade.

  4. Hong Kong shows East Asia it can “Be the Legend”. History was made from 5 to 13 December 2009 when Hong Kong successfully hosted its first-ever international multi-sports event, the 5th East Asian Games – and once again, The Hong Kong Jockey Club was there to play a valuable supporting role.

  5. Hong Kong record: 12 wins from 26 starts. Total stakes won: HK$37,695,967. The horse that put Hong Kong racing on the international map. Three times voted Hong Kong's most popular horse. Winner of the International Group One Yasuda Kinen, the premier mile race in Japan. Officially rated by the International Classifications committee joint-top ...

  6. Review of Operations 業務回顧84 2009/10 Champion Awards 二 九 一 年度香港賽馬會冠軍人馬獎Horse of the Year 香港馬王 Sacred Kingdom 蓮華生輝 Champion Sprinter 最佳短途馬 Sacred Kingdom 蓮華生輝 Champion Miler 最佳一哩馬 Able One 步步穩 ...

  7. 丈夫為前騎師薛順強。在晉升副練之前,余詠詩的名字已為公 眾認識,因她曾於二 一年主演一套描述年青騎師生涯的電 視劇。電視演出只是她騎練事業中的一段小插曲,現已成為 助理練馬師的她,形容這個事業上的突破為「多年夢想如願 以償」。