雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Taishakuten-Sando was the setting for one of Japan's most popular film series "Otoko wa Tsurai yo" (It's Tough Being a Man), which ran from 1969 until 1995. You will see plenty of older Japanese visitors taking pictures with the statue of Tora-san—the movie's comic hero—near the entrance to the street. Snap a picture or two as you walk ...

  2. 2022年10月31日 · 2005年4月,鹹蛋超人商店街在東京都世田谷區和近鄰大學與地方行政單位合作之下正式誕生,範圍包括祖師谷大藏站周邊的三條商店街,分別為祖師谷南商店街振興公會、祖師谷商店街振興公會及祖師谷昇進會商店街振興公會。. 商店街的三個入口有鹹蛋超人以 ...

  3. Image by Hie Jinja Shrine. Updated: May 1, 2024. 山王祭與神田祭、深川祭並稱為江戶三大祭,是歷史悠久的盛大祭典。 曾經在江戶時代(1603-1867),神轎與山車得到進入江戶城內的許可,因此德川第三代將軍家光之後的歷代將軍也皆觀覽參拜過,並號稱為「天下祭」而盛極一時。 其中,隔年舉行的「神幸祭」是舉行祭禮遊行(天下祭起源)的祭神儀式,2024年將時隔6年再次舉辦。 多達500人在市中心遊行的現代王朝畫卷絕對值得一看。 除了「神幸祭」以外,在為期11天的山王祭中,舉辦的儀式活動不勝枚舉,就算天天前來,亦不厭倦。

  4. 黃綠相間的向日葵花田鮮豔奪目,是絕佳的拍攝景點,請一定要帶著相機前來。. 如果您是認真在學習研究攝影,或許會對活動期間中舉辦的攝影大賽有興趣。. 現場也會販售切花及當地新鮮蔬菜。. 對於喜歡日本祭典的人來說,7月是最適合造訪東京的月份。. 從 ...

    • Taishakuten
    • Shibamata's Favorite Son
    • Take Time For Tea
    • Stroll Down Memory Lane in Shibamata’S Retro Streets

    Taishakuten-Sando , the main street lined with traditional shops selling fragrant toasted rice crackers and dango sweets made from rice flour, leads directly to the grand gate of Taishakuten. Through the carved wooden Nitenmon gate, the sprawling temple complex is dominated by a huge, ancient pine tree. The exquisite carvings on the Teishakudo and ...

    A hustler who was always unlucky in love, Tora-san was a famous character throughout Japan, and the series of 48 movies, dubbed “Otoko wa tsurai yo,” or “It's tough being a man,” released between 1969 and 1995, showcased each prefecture. After every adventure, Tora-san came home to Shibamata and the family dango shop. While you may not be familiar ...

    Just behind Taishakuten and a few steps from the Katsushika Shibamata Tora-san Museum, Yamamoto-Teiis a beautiful merchant's house mixing classic 1920s Japanese and European architecture, where you can take tea overlooking the garden. Just over the hill in front of the house, you'll find a sprawling park overlooking the Edo River, marking the bound...

    With its friendly locals, retro architecture and slower pace, the town makes a perfect escape from the stresses of city life. Old buildings are being reborn as simple, stylish hostels and cafes, and the area's traditional hot springs and public baths are newly appreciated by those seeking out authentic experiences. For a real trip back in time, Shi...

  5. 2023年10月6日 · 關鍵詞. 免費暢玩. 地標. 流行文化. 關於營業時間、公休日、費用等最新資訊,請至官方網站查詢,或直接洽詢各設施。 澀谷. 看更多. 首頁 > 東京區域導覽 > 東京西部 > 澀谷 > 澀谷行人自由通行十字路口. 澀谷對角線行人穿越道是東京的代表地標,在此可看到上千人同時穿越馬路的壯觀景象。

  6. 2002年6月1日 · Harmonica Alley. Nakano Broadway. Namjatown. MIYASHITA PARK. Tsukishima Monja Street. YanakaGinza. Tokyo Skytree - a 360 view of Tokyo from above the clouds. All you need to know about Tokyo's tourist attractions, events, hotels, transportations & more from the official travel guide of Tokyo for visitors.

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