雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.eamovers.com.hk › app › index東亞搬運

    詳情小冊子. 如客人漏報以下情況,將需要額外收取附加費:. - 無升降機. - 先行樓梯才到電梯. - 經平台轉電梯. - 停車位置偏遠 (超過30米) 本公司不包括裝/拆水、電、煤氣。. 搬運服務前後,客戶需自行點算搬運物品的數量。. 如有任何疑問應即時提出,員工 ...

  2. The "Packing Items" service offered by Eastern Asia Moving Company Limited focuses on providing customers with a comprehensive and detailed packing solution. We understand that proper packing is key to ensuring the safe arrival of items, whether it’s for moving homes, office relocations, or any other form of transportation.

  3. 東亞搬運有限公司擁有最專業的搬運隊伍,提供專業搬屋、搬廠、搬琴、搬辦公室、搬寫字樓、辦公室搬運等服務,經營多年,搬屋服務範圍遍佈港、九、新界,是一間有經驗的搬運公司。本搬運公司並提供專業包裝,紙箱等搬屋工具,確保閣下的物品不會損壞。

  4. 如果你正有此烦恼,那么你就需要专业的香港搬家公司——东亚香港搬屋公司! 香港搬家服务何其多,但讲到有信誉、可靠的搬家公司,东亚搬屋值得信赖! 东亚搬屋于2001年成立,已经有18年的歷史,拥有丰富的香港搬屋经验,以及专业的香港搬运车队,能令你在整个搬运过程中安枕无忧! [香港搬屋公司] 東亞搬運有限公司 EAST ASIA MOVING LIMITED.

  5. East Asia Moving and Packing. About us. Our Services. Online Quotation. Packing Materials. Our Standards.

  6. 4. The quotation includes all carton boxes and packing materials which are provided by EA moving company. 5. All packing materials will be delivered on the same day of on-site quotation. 6. Please be well prepared for the relocation 10 days in advance. 7. An additional charge of 200-500 HKD for each extra stop during the relocation.

  7. Please choose the Shelf/Wooden shelf/Aluminum shelf that you would like to relocate or discard:

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