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  1. 2024年2月2日 · This is the fourth of a series by architect and long-time Japan resident Azby Brown, the author of Small Spaces: Stylish Ideas for Making More of Less in the Home. In these excerpts from that seminal book, he introduces ideas for space saving storage spaces under the floor. Cutaway plan: a) concrete slab foundation, b) floor raised on struts ...

  2. 1小時平均收費約2千日元,即可以找到一個胖子朋友,陪吃陪玩陪聊天等等。 運營這樣服務的公司除了提供胖子租借服務外也持續招聘更多的胖子要求應聘者原則是體重100kg以上的成年人性格開朗樂觀喜歡交朋友不怕被稱作Debu這個詞本為貶義)。 希望在給他們提供工作機會的同時,改善社會上對於胖子們的偏見和負面印象。 胖子們看起來溫柔和善,感覺親切,在遍地是瘦子的日本,也許正式這種奇貨可居的存在,才催生了對他們的需求吧! 代替道歉服務(謝罪代行) 如果說日本人是最愛道歉的,可能很多人都表示贊同。 大到公司企業的產品召回開發布會謝罪,小到家庭內部的磕磕絆絆,日本人的道歉被應用到各方面的日常生活。

  3. 2023年6月19日 · In Part 1 of this series, we look at useful concepts that underlie space-efficient Japanese home design. These are not intended to give your home a “Japanese” style, though many of the concepts are rooted in tradition. Instead, these concepts are meant to stimulate your thinking about how to make the most of your own living space.

  4. 2020年2月15日 · Even still, pretty much all of Ququri 1,200 rooms, split across multiple buildings around Tokyo, are being rented. They’re especially popular with people in their 20s and 30s, who make up about 90 percent of the tenants. They’re not only being used as bachelor bunkers, either, as roughly 40 percent of Ququri residents are women.

  5. 2023年8月29日 · This is the second of a series by architect and long-time Japan resident Azby Brown, the author of Small Spaces: Stylish Ideas for Making More of Less in the Home. In these excerpts from that seminal book, he offers some timeless advice on how to incorporate ideas used by Japanese architects in any kind of home, no matter how tiny.

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  7. 乘坐連接著青森與秋田的Resort白神號,踏上一段充滿美麗自然風光和傳統文化的愜意旅途。 列車經過40分鐘左右的田園風光之旅後,來到了驚濤拍岸、海鷗頻頻掠過的大海,進入位於日本北部的山岳地區,被列入聯合國教科文組織世界遺產名錄的白神山地。

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