雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 立即登記! HKJCDPRI is based at the HKAM, and partners with CCOUC, HKU and Harvard. We focus on the need for competencies on knowledge, skills as well as attitude to reduce disaster loss and suffering. Join us in our training and exchange activities to build a community of practice in disaster preparedness and response.

  2. HKJCDPRI is based at the HKAM, and partners with CCOUC, HKU and Harvard. We focus on the need for competencies on knowledge, skills as well as attitude to reduce disaster loss and suffering. Join us in our training and exchange activities to build a community of practice in disaster preparedness and response.

  3. HKJCDPRI is based at the HKAM, and partners with CCOUC, HKU and Harvard. We focus on the need for competencies on knowledge, skills as well as attitude to reduce disaster loss and suffering. Join us in our training and exchange activities to build a community of practice in disaster preparedness and response.

  4. 29/12/2020 新型冠狀病毒病的有用資料- 專業救災人員 更多詳情 聯絡我們 香港仔黃竹坑道99號 香港醫學專科學院賽馬會大樓9樓901室 電話: (852) 2871 8857 傳真: (852) 2296 4628 電郵: [email protected ...

  5. 恐怖襲擊成為全球新挑戰,無處不在。其中,大型活動成為近年主要攻擊目標。從2015年巴黎歌劇院恐襲血,2016年法國尼斯恐襲,再到2017年5月的英國演唱會襲擊,防不勝防。 幸運地,香港至今未曾發生恐襲,但風險不能完全排除。雖然我們沒必要過度憂慮,但可以主動做好安全措施,提高防範意識 ...

  6. 香港賽馬會災難防護應變教研中心項目完結通知 我們在此告知閣下/貴機構,香港賽馬會災難防護應變教研中心(教研中心)項目於2022年10月31日完結。 我們在此謹向閣下/貴機構對教研中心的支持表示衷心感激! 香港賽馬會災難防護應變教研中心 Conclusion of the HKJCDPRI Project Please be informed that the Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster... Read More. 29/10/2022. A study on the inclusiveness of ethnic minority in risk communications during COVID-19.

  7. COPE 既感人又幽默的插圖激發兒童的想像力,教導他們簡單的防災步驟,或許有一天會拯救他們的生命。 COPE 繪本系列針對9至11歲的年輕讀者,以及4至8歲的兒童及其家長,原文以英文撰寫,並由香港賽馬會災難防護應變教研中心、香港天文台、譚宗穎博士、以及香港大學教育學院中文教育研究中心兼任副教授關之英博士攜手把繪本內容本地化,以迎合香港讀者的需要。 現時,系列中四本繪本:《地震! 》、《走上高地》(海嘯版)、《新冠病毒病》和《水災》已備有中文譯本。 讓我們與 COPE 一同開展探索災難世界之旅。 從今天起作出改變,準備就緒! 請點擊下圖下載 PDF 版本: 與 COPE 小隊一同前往馬來西亞吉蘭丹州,展開抗水災任務. 與 COPE 小隊一同抗疫.