雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年4月17日 · He is also a Fellow of The Hong Kong Institute of Housing, the Chartered Institute of Housing, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and the Hong Kong Institute of Real Estate Administrators, as well as an Honorary Fellow of The Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management.

  2. 本月特寫. Main content. 副房屋事務經理/石硤尾(三)蕭孝聰和房屋事務主任/石硤尾(二)楊家懿,獲香港城市大學(城大)公共政策學系葉毅明教授來函嘉許,讚賞他們積極配合城大公共政策學系本科生代表到訪石硤尾邨的導賞安排,詳盡講解房屋管理的資訊 ...

  3. 2023年4月28日 · 客戶服務中心. 市民如欲申請公屋、租賃商舖或查詢居屋事宜,可於辦公時間親臨客戶服務中心。 客戶服務中心的公眾查詢服務時間為星期一至五上午8:00至下午6:00 (公眾假期除外)。 香港房屋委員會客務中心. 查詢熱線: 2712 2712. 地址: 香港九龍橫頭磡南道3號. (近港鐵樂富站A出口) 請按地圖. 更多資料: 無障礙設施. 客戶服務中心各層用途. 居屋銷售小組. 樓層: 第一層平台. 查詢電話: 2712 8000. 房屋署申請分組. 樓層: 第二層平台.

  4. Project of the Year Awards – Residential Building – Winner. The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers Hong Kong Branch. Hong Kong Building Information Modelling (BIM) Awards 2019. Modular Flat Design in Public Housing Developments – Adopting BIM for Collaboration and Integration.

  5. Dr. Hui is an all-round professional---Chartered Surveyor and Chartered Builder---with diverse experience in research and consultancy projects. At Hong Kong University, Dr. Hui obtained his BSc (first class honours) with "Chan Kai Ming Prize" and "Building Management Prize.

  6. 2024年5月6日 · He is a chartered valuation surveyor, and a Past President and Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors. He has a wide breath of experience in property valuation, real estate consultancy and investment sales market.

  7. As a Chartered Valuation Surveyor and Authorised Person, Mr Lee is also the Chairman of David C Lee Group. Mr Lee has served in both the public and private sectors and has managed about 200 projects with a total floor area of over 150 million sq. ft

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